"Trust Me"

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The second she grabbed his hand, she thought about focus....focus.
Now, she wasn't thinking about how far back....what if I can't control when I go back, at all.
After a few minutes of trying, she opened her eyes, which had been tightly clenched shut. Her head throbbed....
And she was back getting the milk.
Okay, what the actual hell just happened. I don't friggin remember doing anything!
And with that, she set her glass cup carefully on the counter.

"Skye? What happened?" Ward was staring at her, rubbing his temples.

"Okay, so we both have massive headaches, that's one thing," she groaned out, holding her head in her hands.

"No, do you remember how you did it?"

"No robot, I don't remember going back in time it just happened!"

Coulson was staring his arms crossed,


"Skye, is there something you want to tell us?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Ward glared at her.

"What? I'm only going back so many times! I'll either break space and time or kill myself," she gestured to her head.

What frightened Ward, was that she didn't remember going back at all.

Skye started speaking again,"and Coulson yes there is something I want to...god dammit!"
She jumped back as the glass she set on the counter, made its way to the floor; shattering.
Her elbow had made contact this time.
I either have really bad luck at any point in time, or I just can't stop this from happening.

"Third time," Ward sighed.

"Third time?" May inquired.

"Yep, third time today," Skye groaned.

"I've only seen it happen once...." Simmons pondered.

"Well of course you've only seen it happen once."

"Okay Skye, enough with the games, tell us." Coulson commanded.

"Only if you promise to believe me."

"Why wouldn't we," Ward chimed in.

She rolled her eyes in his direction.

"Because it's really weird crap, even for this organization."

"Weirder than Raina growing claws?" Bobbi scoffed.

"Well....oh I don't know, not really. So how do I explain this.... Well, to start I didn't exactly make it out of the temple unscathed..." She squinted her eyes and tilted her head; thinking hard. She didn't know how to explain it, although it seemed so simple!

"You got powers?" Simmons asked, suddenly looking a little less interested to experiment on her.

"Maybe...yes. I'm not some sort of animal like Raina at least, I can travel through time."

"Like the Tardis?" Simmons glanced at Fitz.

Oh my god, this two and every chance they can put that reference somewhere!

"No...not exactly," she sighed in exasperation.

"She can go back in time but..." Ward was ushering her to go on.

"We're not actually sure how any of this works at all," she completed.

"So how many times have you actually gone back on us?" Bobbi asked.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now