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*UNEDITED for now*

"What the hell are you two thinking? Especially you Grant, you know the protocol."

No solemn nod, he just glared.
You wasn't about what they had done in the past, it was about currently. Hydra, and her loyalty to Shield.

"We have strict rules about dating or sexual interactions between an S.O and their rookie," she glared.

Strict rules? Really, May! Maybe he wasn't the S.O to your rookie, but I was going to hang out with Ward in the hotel the night you two decided to have sex!

"May, do you know what it's like to care for someone but be permitted from caring about them?!"
I just couldn't use the word love. Not yet at least. Not until Mr. Hot Machine and I had out full-on sexy make-out session. Then, the word love would be uttered many times under my breath as his lips tasted mine....
Reality Skye!

"Who says you can care for him, Skye? Coulson and I care about you two, and that's why we've permitted this. It's not just a relationship, it can affect your field work, you're putting everyone in danger. End it, end by Monday and I'll spare Coulson of the kiss," May hissed.

Just before storming up the stairs...
"Skye, I'm just trying to keep you two safe on this mission."
I hope you understand.

"We're acting as a married couple!"
There is no way we can go out as a married couple and not kiss!

That's when May turned and stormed up the stairs. She'd tried hard, but the overprotective came out. How could Skye do this with a date?
It was the protection of a parent she'd never experienced, but damn she was getting it now.


I could just feel the look of guilt plastered to my face.
Grant, he had his jaw set, looking up directly where May had been.
In his eyes, was a flame, passion and anger, a large flame burning bright within him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to Grant, grabbing his hands. Cupping my hands in his.

To my surprise, this time, his hands decided to stay under the warmth of mine.

He bolted his gaze toward me at the feeling of my touch.
Yet no response.

"Are we really...going to cut this off, Ward?"
Yeah, my heart was breaking, we had just had our first real great kiss!
He was an amazing kisser! I'd totally give him an A+++.

Yet, we had barely just...made-out, yet I knew Ward wouldn't hesitate when it ending what little thing we had, for this organization.

(Ward POV)

Glossy eyes, and her look of undeniable guilt.
I wasn't about to say never again, and she wasn't ready to hear it.
I "cared" (quote un-quote) about her far more than I could remember ever actually caring for someone.
In fact, this feeling felt foreign in my body. The way she looked at me with all the focus in the world, the way her hands clasped mine, the way her eyes glistened and widened like an injured puppy...maybe all an attempt to win me over, but he'll I'd noticed these things way before she noticed she was actually making a try to do them.
That's why this feeling, it was scary, I cared.
I goddamn cared, alright?
I'd cared since the very first moment we laid eyes on each other, and nothing since then has changed.

"We don't need to end what we have, just convince May we've ended it."

"I guess we'll just be apart," she sighed.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum