"Gifts" (Part 1)

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That night, before everyone retreated to their beds, Rhodey and the Maximoffs finished introducing each other. Then the Maximoffs proceeded in a battle of which room they wanted. In the end it turned into a battle of kindness, and they got the rooms they both hated.
Hunter lay beside Bobbi, still getting over the beers he had had. Bobbi lay facing him, finally able to relax and sleep peacefully with her-boyfriend-beside her.
FitzSimmoms went out, luckily Simmons was able to steer him clear of the dog all night, as they roamed town hand-in-hand, going to see a movie.
It wasn't awkward, actually their date went perfectly, and Simmons walked out laughing in joy again....but when it came down to sleeping in the same bunk......she turned away from Fitz, and both her and Fitz were praying it wouldn't be as awkward as last time.
Coulson fell asleep on the couch with Tony. Their S.O's fell asleep beside them, not before bidding farewell to Natasha who was leaving late so she could meet Clint Christmas morning....she was still pretty drunk, so hopefully she'd make it back alright.
Matt took to the punching bag late at night, then video chatted Foggy and Karen. They seemed to be doing fine without him.
And when he retreated to his bedroom at 3AM Claire still lingered in his mind.

December 25, 7:00PM

The day had gone by fast, relaxing with movies. It was Christmas, and in an hour Tony was making them open gifts, which Skye and Ward didn't want to do cause they were halfway through an addicting reality TV marathon.
Yet, Skye dressed in her red dress, black scarf, and black leggings, and walked down to the lounge.
Ward was laughing, asking he why she wasn't wearing more "festive colors".
She glared, not even about to comment on his blue shirt, knowing he was being sarcastic.

Skye and Ward met the group in the lounge, finding everyone except Rhodey and Matt either laughing or amused.
Watching it further, Tony had each gotten both them-interesting-gifts.

Skye was going to give Ward his gift right away, before anyone else had a chance to get to him and give him something.

"Ward?" She called out to where he was talking with Fitz and Pietro.
He turned to look at his nervous looking girlfriend. He dropped everything, and sat down beside her on the couch, where she handed him a package. The package wasn't lets say.....the greatest wrapped. It was wrapped in a brown paper bag, that Skye was nervously laughing at.

"What? Did you wrap it with a brown bag?" Ward chuckled.

"Maybe...." She stressed, putting his outstretched arm around her.

"Godamn you taped it....a lot," he groaned.

"I forgot, the brown bag broke, so I just put a lot of tape....that's not the point," she grabbed it from him, and ripped it open, then handed the gift back.

"That's one way....is this a book?"

"No, I mean it is a book, but it's not like a book book if that makes sense."

"It doesn't."

"Okay, just open it!" She exclaimed in exasperation.

He sighed, then ripped open the rest of the packaging to reveal a brown leather book.
He glanced at her, and hesitantly opened it.

"It's uh-a photo album of us."

"I'm sorry if it's cheesy..."

"No, it's perfectly fine," he reassured, tightening his arm around her.
He opened to the first page, slowly looking through the pictures, and mostly selfies Skye had taken and put in there.

"I didn't know how to do half of this so Simmons....she helped," Skye admitted.

"I'm surprised there's not just a page of me and selfies I didn't agree to."

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now