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Skye wanted to puke. The ride in the van was bumpy along the unused paths-and it was getting hard to guide the group to the right location.
Garrett had insisted on tagging along with them-dick-so he and Tony sat in the front. Only him and Tony because if Garrett tried anything Tony Stark would kick Garrett back to went something like that.
So, once again, Skye and Ward were shoved in the backseat with Bobbi.

"Left," Skye muttered nonchalantly, her face pale. Nauseousness plagued her.

"Is she alright?" Garrett turned around, boasting fake concern. He looked smug even.

I'll be fine if you just shut the hell up, turn around and face the road!

Now Ward was having enough of this-smiling when she felt like crap. He wouldn't be surprised if pressured Skye to join the mission and ultimately have her killed. Even Bobbi set her jaw.

"She's been feeling sick is all," Ward retorted. At this point he didn't even care if Garrett suspected anything.

"She's been feeling sick every morning since I've been here, is she sure she's-"

"How about you just turn around and drive?" Bobbi snapped.

Now they were really steeping on thin ice with him.

"Hey," he chuckled, "I'm just making sure she's able to be on the mission, I mean she's sick every morning it seems like-"

Garrett's assumption was spot on-Skye would give him that.

"I'm pregnant, alright?" Skye snapped back, narrowing her eyes.

He almost stopped the car, almost swerved it head-on into a tree. This was getting interesting.

"So, whose the father? Just out of curiosity you know."

Of course that was Garrett's next question.
Tony was now considering knocking him unconscious, but sadly that would risk the lives of everyone in the car. Whose smart idea was it to late him drive?
Meanwhile, Garrett was betting it'd be Ward-yet he was sure she'd never admit that.

"I don't know," she groaned. The argument totally made her forget about the nausea, thank god.

"You sure?"

"It's none of  your business anyway Garrett!" Ward finally snapped.

"Touchy," he chuckled.
Not Ward, right Skye? BS!

"Just shut up and drive!" Tony and Bobbi both snapped.

He knew those two didn't like him, but now the whole car was against him.

With the safety of him finally turned around, and Tony thankfully sparking conversation with him-fake Intel of course-he could talk to Skye....

"Why the hell would you tell him that!" Ward hissed.

"So he'd stop bothering me," she hissed back.

"Now he'll find it more fun to kill two for one! He's going to ask me later if I'm the father!"

"So what? We're subtly on a few miles from his location!"

"Miles? Oh my god this is a mess, we're like a country away!"

She stayed silent. They pulled up to an abandoned building.

"This the location?" Garrett asked.

Skye nodded. He would know-assuming they're Hydra.

"What's the plan, we jus barge in there?" Bobbi scoffed.

"Best plan we have," Ward nodded.

"Really?" Skye asked, astounded.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now