Secret Surprise Visit & Fated Encounter !

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[ DING ! ]

=GS: [ Sect has been fully upgraded into " kingdom " status: Original Levitating Hanging Kingdom of Babylon ] ( Supreme Grade Kingdom )

- Description: A newly created very large territorial kingdom that's built in a truly wondrous ancient architectural style with an updated layout from another thriving kingdom ! There's very long marble slabbed stairs ascending upwards creating numerous different tired levels for the sect showcasing a pyramid style type of display - with every visible corner throughout the sect covered with beautiful flora , gardens , vines, trees & mini waterfalls from top to bottom creating small ponds on the very bottom tiers. Numerous golden brick buildings with white marble floors on every tier - while the most important buildings will be on higher tiers ! The very top most floating island is where the Host will be living while the core - inner - personal disciples & elders are granted their own floating islands for living purposes ! The surrounding area will now be filled with unlimited amounts of absolute pure dense essence of every known element in existence. The kingdom is now an isolated secret realm hidden away from plain sight. ( + upgradable options available )


- Once me and my wives reached the opposite side of the portal into the secret realm where the newly built kingdom is now located. Let alone everyone present: Even I couldn't believe the new additions that's showcased in front of my eyes. The original design of the sect is still the same as it used to be - only now more expansive in size by multiple times with more added tiers which makes five in total ! Implementing the layout of the crux kingdom into the upgrade -  the bottommost tier ( tier 5 ) is where all the normal business , shops & merchants will be stationed. The tier above that ( tier 4 ) is where all outer disciples homes will be located. Tier 3 will be the location of the training platforms / arena - classes & other minor sub divisions. Tier 2 will be where the library , blacksmithing , sect kitchen for meals / parties & main divisions are stationed while the very topmost tier ( tier 1 ) will be where the clan meetings - herb farms - sect master hall and mission board location for sect merit points ! There's also five different floating islands above the kingdom as living quarters for inner - core - personal disciples / elders , important guest and lastly one for me & my wives / family. Far to the right of the kingdom is a tiered tower of trials that contains numerous volatile portals of strength and far to the left is where the exit of the secret realm is located ! Also, there's a few kilometers worth of forestry surrounding the kingdom with some wildlife from the nightmare forest and cloned beast from my inner world. There's mountains in the far distance and even a large body of water on the base of the mountain ! The upgraded sect is truly a magnificent one & now that I've figured out the new layout - it's time to snap everyone out of their tranquil states and tell them to go explore the new kingdom instead and to meet me at the kitchen for a grand feast and good time later on tonight !

= Vontè: " ENOUGH STANDING AROUND EVERYONE ! GO & EXPLORE YOUR NEW HOME ! Those who know their way around the kitchen - proceed to the second top tier and prepare meals for everyone ! Tonight, we'll be celebrating the founding of the ROYAL COSMOS KINGDOM ! Also; here's a little information before you venture out: Tier 5 is for normal businesses - Tier 4 is where all outer disciple homes are located - Tier 3 is where you'll take classes from elders / teachers or myself while also being able to train on the platforms for friendly duels - Tier 2 is where all main divisions will be stationed and the very top tier is for clan meetings + to receive your sect missions for merit points ! I'll see everyone in a few hours and will answer all questions with the elders at that time ! "




= Vontè: " KÄZMIK - LINQU & IGNEEL ! There's no need to go back inside the inner world for now since this is our new home grounds - find a suitable place for you in this secret realm and make that your new resting spot ! I'll also see you guys later ! "

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