Chapter 22: Before the Grand Order

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He dreamed.


Elias felt something inside of him change. It was a Friday afternoon when he was walking in the park. Confused, he looked at what he had gotten. 

It was a new nervous system that was not human, and it took quite a while, 2 weeks exactly to realize what they were.

Magic circuits. Somehow, or someone had gifted him these. He found out he was not the only one when he saw the news. He had wondered what had occurred, and decided to learn magecraft. 



It had been a year since he had discovered he had the ability to do magecraft. He had learned through many failures and soon felt ready to enter the world of the supernatural. 

Suddenly red tattoos appeared on his forearm. It was a sign that he had to partake in a grail war. And those weren't just command spells, they were masters degree, meaning he had to take part in a prototype style of grail war. 

The command spells he received were "Dominons" which meant he was the fourth ranked master of the grail war. 4 wings were shown on the command spells he had gotten. Which meant there were much more powerful masters and it was bad. 

Why did he recieve them rather than anyone else? He didn't want his desires to be granted by a miracle wishing device, that could be another device that could bring destruction to the world. 

Elias decided ultimately to take part in the grail war to stop anyone else from obtaining it and use it to grant a wish that would possibly improve his life for him 

But first, he had to find a servant to summon, preferably a powerful one. He had to find a catalyst to summon the servant with. He went onto his computer to find a heroic spirit to summon, preferably one that had not appeared in any media.



"What do you want Wizard Marshall?!" Asked Elias in a loud voice towards a strange bearded man named Zelretch "Are you gonna send me to some world after I am done with this war?" 

He was angry that of all people he was chosen to be noticed by the dead apostle. Elias didn't want to get involved in any major event after the grail war, and whenever the vampire was around he knew he was up to something that involved whoever he encountered.  

This time, as Elias just finished stealing a relic to summon his wanted heroic spirit, Zelretch decided to scare him as he was walking down the streets. Elias got jump scared, but as soon as he realized who it was Elias got mad, hoping that the Vampire would just go away.

"Well well, looks like your welcoming wasn't a friendly one" Responded the Wizard Marshall. "However I need to tell you something about some of the participants taking part in the grail war here..."  



Two figures stood on top of  the building, their appearances obscured by the setting sun which only showed the shape of their bodies. 

"We need to start scouting out for other servants, Archer."

Archer was a large man of west asian origin, having tanned skin and a beard. His bare chest was exposed to the world, and his eyes glowed orange out of the shadow. He was taller than his master than 20 centimeters. He was ranked 4th

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