Downfall 3

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Karfurnilmud Street, Custefai

A fierce firefight is taking place between a group of armored vehicles that have landed and the Altian Imperial Army. People were frightened by the unfamiliar sound.


One woman, who had been holed up in a house, screamed as she watched her country's soldiers being slaughtered unilaterally and their corpses being trampled by the advancing land weapons of the enemy army.

. . .

A short time ago, just after the landing

Senate Grand Hall, Custefai

Third Princess Savia suddenly stood up, and the princess and the emperor looked at each other with cold eyes, hardly father and daughter. After a pause of silence that pervades the Grand Hall, Savia spoke up.

"Father, no, Your Majesty. Today is the end of the current Altian Empire."

"What did you say!?"

The words uttered by the princess startled the council members, the crown prince, the second prince, and Emperor Uvarito IV himself. The Grand Hall, which had been enveloped in silence, were once again engulfed in clamor.

"Savia, have you lost your mind!?"

Crown Prince Rusim Varpal doubted Savia's sanity. However, Savia replied in an extremely calm manner.

"I am in my right mind, brother. I made a promise. To end the war with Japan and to ensure the survival of this country into the future!"

"Ridiculous! Surrendering to barbarians is the very thing that will destroy the empire!"

Savia glanced at Rusim, who is still calling the Japanese barbarians at this point in time, with disdain. If they are barbarians, what are them who have been defeated by them?

"...We have already made a secret agreement with the government of Japan. If we occupy the Senate and the Imperial Palace, and show our cooperation with the Japanese army by taking the imperial family and senators into custody, they will allow the Imperial Household and the nation to continue to exist, and entrust us with the occupation and rule of this country by Japan."

Savia revealed that she has had relations with the Japanese. When Rusim heard her coming out clean, he was so furious that veins appeared on his forehead.

"You bitch... you sold out this country! I knew it, you were insane!"

Savia's confession sounded to Rusim's ears like "I got Japan to guarantee me the position of emperor in exchange for the custody of the imperial family and senators." To him, what Savia had done was nothing more than treason. Meanwhile, second prince Zusar Varpal remembered the events of three days earlier, when Savia had visited him at his residence and asked him to advise Uvarito IV and Zusar to make peace with the Japanese. He immediately brushed off the request, but in hindsight, he realizes that Savia had already planned this scenario at that time.

"Guards! Seize Savia!"

The emperor ordered the guards, which was waiting around him. The Emperor's soldiers, subordinate to the Emperor, approached Savia to seize her, regardless of whether she was an imperial princess or not. Savia took out a knife from her pocket and readied herself for a fight.

"You...! If you resist, I don't care if I have to cut you down!"


Authorized to kill, the guards quickly surrounded Savia. One of them approaches her.

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