The Expanding World (End)

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July 8

Ise Officer's Quarters, Port of Custefai, Altian Empire

The Governorate-General of the Altian Empire was established as a temporary measure in Ise, where numerous bureaucrats sleep and work day and night to reform the Altian Empire. One day, about three months after the start of the occupation, a bureaucrat entered Governor-General Goto's room.

"Excuse me."

"What is it?"

Goto asked his subordinate who entered the room about his requirements. The man looked at the documents he brought and reports.

"The Shorteria-San Empire, one of the Seven Dragons and a neighboring country, has approached the Japanese government through the government of the Ilamania Kingdom to negotiate the establishment of diplomatic relations. In addition, a delegation from this country is scheduled to visit Juppe, a city with a Border Guard base in the border region of the Alucard Plain, in five days' time."

"What...!? Alright, now contact the SDF in Juppe!"

Upon hearing the report, Goto instructed the JGSDF Border Security Support Unit deployed at the Juppe Base to notify them of the delegation's visit.

"I understand! I'll do so immediately!"

"I'm counting on you!"

The official who received Goto's instructions left the room. After watching his back, Goto again sat deep in his chair.

"For the first time, a superpower has made contact with us... I would very much like to establish peaceful relations in the future..."

In his empty room, Goto mumbled to himself. Five days later, the Shorteria-San Empire's delegation arrived in Juppe by land as scheduled and was welcomed by the local SDF. Two days later, the delegation arrived in Custefai, the capital city where the Governorate-General is located, accompanied by the Self-Defense Forces.


July 15

Port of Custefai

A temporary reception room was built by prefabricated construction right in front of the Governorate-General in Ise. In it, Tokuto Kijima, a Foreign Ministry official dispatched for this diplomatic delegation, was waiting for the arrival of the Shorteria-San delegation.

"Please come in, our country's representative, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tokuto Kijima, is waiting for you."

A bureaucrat working for the Governorate-General leads the four-member delegation into the prefab building. Inside, there was a sofa set up across from a table, and on one side was Kijima welcoming the delegation from the neighboring country.

"Thank you very much for coming all the way here. My name is Tokuto Kijima, and I am the Japanese plenipotentiary in charge of this negotiation."

"...Thank you for your kind words of welcome. I am Sigmoidas Mesocoronas, head of the delegation."

After both parties finished greeting each other, they shake hands. Both sides then slowly sit down on the sofa and finally begin negotiations. At this time, official contact was finally made with another Dragon.

"Now, this time, you have expressed an interest in establishing diplomatic relations with our country..."

"Yes, I am here at the behest of His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty wishes to establish friendly and peaceful relations with your country."

Sigmoidas told him that he has come to establish diplomatic relations by order of the emperor. Kijima was inwardly relieved that from the looks of him, he did not seem to be here to start a war. The Shorteria-San Empire had been debating for months what kind of relationship it wanted with Japan, and finally the emperor and the majority of his ministers had decided to establish friendly relations.

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