Intermission | Conflicting Circumstances of the Nobles

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March 10, 2027

King's Residence, Derat, capital of the Roiphe Kingdom

On this day, in the Roiphe Kingdom in the eastern part of the Juperia Continent, discussions were being held between the Japanese delegation and representatives of the Roiphe Kingdom for the establishment of diplomatic relations.

In most negotiations for the establishment of diplomatic relations, the representative of the Japanese delegation's counterparts is usually a person who is the equivalent of Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, but in these negotiations, the representative was the King of Roiphe, Tomu Senzak VII, himself. The appearance of the head of state of the other country had the delegation's representative, Kiyoshi Konoue, and another member of the delegation, Zenji Gahou, fired up. They faced each other in the conference room. It was the Japanese side that spoke first.

"We are pleased to meet you for the first time, Your Majesty. I am Kiyoshi Konoue, the representative of the Japanese delegation. This is my subordinate, Zenji Gahou."

When Konoue spoke, he gestured to a man to his right. Having given his introduction, Gahou bowed to Tomu VII. Tomu VII takes one look at Gahou, then turns his attention back to Konoue and spoke.

"Hm, it's my pleasure. Thank you for coming all the way from the Far East."

Konoue, who had expected him to be a bit more pompous as a lord of a country, was surprised at Tomu VII's courtesy to them.

"Thank you, we also appreciate your country's decision to establish diplomatic relations with our country. Now, let us discuss the details..."

Konoue quickly gets down to business. The discussion continued from noon, and ended amicably around sunset.

"I am pleased to report to the Japanese government that we have reached an agreement on the following conditions."

Konoue stood up while gathering the documents. At the same time, Gahou bowed and got up from his seat.

"Oh, please wait a moment."

Tomu VIII stopped the two foreign affairs bureaucrats as they are about to leave.


Wondering if there was something amiss in the discussions, Konoue asked the reason for being stopped.

"The Emperor of Japan... no, in Japan, you call him Tennou, right?"


The two bureaucrats tilted their heads at the unexpected word from the king's mouth. Tomu VII continued.

"The Prince, your Emperor's nephew, is in his twenties and has yet to have a wife."

"Yes... that's true, but..."

Konoue had a bad feeling about King Roiphe's words as he stepped into the Imperial Family's marriage situation. With a look of satisfaction on his face after hearing his words, Tomu VII turned to the Royal Guard who was standing by the door of the room and gave an order.

"Call Sara."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The soldier, who was ordered to bring a certain person here, exited the conference room. A short time later, a woman called by the king opened the door and entered the room.

"You wished to see me?"

Emerging from behind the door was a pretty girl with long, beautiful blonde hair. Tomu VII beckoned to her and called her to his side.

"Sara, these people are from the diplomatic mission of Japan."

Tomu VII introduces them, pointing to Konoue and Gahou. When the girl called Sara heard who they were, she bowed to them while picking up the hem of the skirt of her elegant dress.

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