Chapter Fifteen

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"Never tell me the odds."  
- Han Solo

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"Boba are you even listening?" Oriel sighed, turning away from what she was writing on the board in front of the desk that Boba sat at.

Boba didn't respond as he was too invested in his doodling on his page. Boba now had a padawan braid but her refused to cut his hair. He wore the same coloured robes as Obi-Wan did with his small blue lightsaber attached to his belt.

"Boba!" Oriel said more loudly and this time he heard and looked up. "You're never going to advance if you're not listening. What are you even doing anyways?" Oriel asked walking to his desk.

Boba just looked down with a guilty expression. Oriel looked at his sheet and saw a quite good drawing of a Mandalorian armour suit. The same as his fathers.

"Boba." Oriel sighed placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know you miss him. I would too. But he wasn't a nice man, you must realise that." Oriel kneeled down in front of him.

"It doesn't mean I can't still love him." Boba said looking at his feet. "Well. Being a Jedi, it sort of does. Jedi aren't allowed to love." Oriel said lifting his small chin.

"You can't tell me that. Not with you and beard face all smoochy smoochy." Boba said taking Oriel's hand away from his chin and as much as Oriel hated to admit it, the boy was right.

"I know. But that isn't an exception for not listening in on class." Oriel stood up.

"But this is so boring. And useless, I've already learnt all these fight strategies. Dad put me in the clone program for a few years." Boba said trying desperately to get out of class.

"I much prefer when I get to use these tactics. I thought I'd be going on missions." Boba whined.

"Alright then. I'll talk with Master Yoda and see what I can do. And just this once, I'll let you leave early." Oriel said which immediately made Boba's face light up.

"Thankyou Master!" Boba said jumping up from his seat. "Just this once!" Oriel called as he ran out of the room but he was probably already half way down the hall.

Oriel gathered her stuff and walked out the room and she yelped a bit as she got a fright seeing Obi-Wan waiting for her outside the door.

"Oh my god I'm gonna kill you!" Oriel said, picking up the stuff she had dropped while Obi-Wan just laughed.

"Sorry darling." Obi-Wan said trying to cover up his laugh. "Not here." Oriel scolded under her breath so only Obi-Wan could hear.

Saying things like 'darling' or 'my love' or any other thing that could hint at their relationship could really get them into a lot of trouble so Oriel always kept her mouth shut. Obi-Wan on the other hand, well he seemed unable to control his mouth.

"I take it you didn't come to catch up?" Oriel asked, making her way to her dorm.

"What, can't I have a lovely chat with a lovely person?" Obi-Wan asked but Oriel just raised her brow as he knew he had been to busy to do that.

"But you're right, the council has summoned you." Obi-Wan sighed as they reached her door.

"Will you be there?" Oriel asked walking in with Obi-Wan following.

"Depends." Obi-Wan said smirking as he spun Oriel around from what she was doing and wrapped his arms around her lower waist while she leaned back a little.

"Depends of what?" Oriel asked, sharing his expression as she put her hands behind Obi-Wan's neck.

"On how occupied I am." Obi-Wan pressed his lips against hers and she didn't hesitate to respond.

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