Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I don't know how to say this . . . but I've loved you from the moment you came to my aid all those years ago."

- Duchess Satine

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Obi-Wan and Oriel landed their ships and hopped out, JC closely behind while Obi-Wan told R4 to stay put. They were greeted by one of the duchesses' guards and were escorted on a flying platform.

"This place is beautiful." Oriel stated as she looked around her in awe. The buildings were not only beside and underneath her, but on top as well. They created large tunnels which were used as flyways for transports.

As they flew on Oriel could see a large elaborate door that Oriel presumed to be the entrance to the Duchesses' palace.

They landed and entered the palace while the guard led the way, and the whole time Obi-Wan didn't say a word but his feelings were saying enough.

"Relax, take a deep breath." Oriel cooed to calm Obi-Wan. She looked at him and could see his forehead was covered in a light layer of sweat.

"I'm sure the Duchess is fine and with us around, we will get her out of this matter in no time." She took his hand and he flinched slightly, not expecting it, but he soon relaxed and squeezed her hand more tightly.

The two Jedi walked hand in hand down the hall until they reached the throne room when Obi-Wan let go of Oriel's hand. The throne room was enormous and there were more windows than walls letting in the glowing sun that reflected off the beautiful paintings hung on the wall.

"Generals." A man with a white beard and little hair greeted. He was wearing what appeared to be white pyjama's but Oriel thought that was silly as this was most likely just the way people dressed on Mandalore.

"Thankyou for meeting with us Prime Minister Almec." Obi-Wan greeted, his tone changing completely from nervous to official.

"I welcome you as a servant to the people." The Prime Minister answered shaking Obi-Wan's hand before turning to take Oriel's and kissed her gloved knuckles while Obi-Wan looked cautiously at the Prime Minister's actions.

"But I am troubled by the false rumours that brought you here." He continued and started a walk down the large room and the Jedi took it as an indication to follow.

"Mandalore would never turn against the Republic. The Duchess Satine values peace more than her own life." The Prime Minister explained.

"Oh I'm aware of the Duchesses' view." Obi-Wan replied which Oriel took as him knowing because of their friendship.

"With all do respect Prime Minister, the Jedi only want peace as well, but sometimes we need to get our hands a little dirty to do so. Don't you think there's at least the slightest chance the Duchess would do the same if she was so amid about peace?" Oriel asked as they slowly walked. She saw a look of reconsideration flash over the Prime Minister's eyes but it was gone in a second.

"Master Dune, Mandalore's violent past is behind us. All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia, they died out years ago." Prime Minister Almec assured.

"Hmm, are you certain?" Obi-Wan asked rubbing his chin like he did so often, deep in thought. "I recently accounted a man who wore Mandalorian armour." He recounted.

"Jango Fett." Oriel finished almost saddened at the memory of the cruel man.

"Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armour is beyond me." Almec defended.

"Yet you know of this, common bounty hunter?" Oriel asked rhetorically, not convinced.

"Well Master Jedi's. Don't go breaking my Prime Minister already, he doesn't do well under pressure." A woman's voice caught all three of their attention. Oriel looked in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful woman wearing extravagant gown fitted with jewels and a sort of crown.

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