Chapter Twenty Eight

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"And then we decided to come and rescue you." "Good Job."
- Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door that Oriel was leaning against with her arm around JC who tried to comfort her. However she did not hear as the crying mixed with the draining visions she had had and the virus she had previously contracted, Oriel was exhausted and had fallen asleep.

"We're here . . . General Dune." Obi-Wan said taking a pause before using his wife's formal title like she had told him to earlier. The words felt foreign coming from his mouth, sure he had used them multiple times before when in the presence of others, but this time it was different.

When Obi-Wan got no reply, he sighed and left the ship to meet up with Satine who was waiting for him with a Governor of some sort.

Satine had taken off her head piece and had her blonde hair neatly styled. She changed from a blue gown to purple and pink top that split at the bottom to show off her legs which were covered in purple tight leggings.

Ever since Obi-Wan was reunited with his old friend he had felt conflicted. Old, old feelings were tickling his stomach when he looked at the Duchess and remembered the sentimental times they had shared during the period of time when Oriel was not a part of his life.

But since then, Obi-Wan had fallen in love with another woman. He had fallen deeply and hopelessly in love with Oriel Dune, who became Oriel Kenobi. Now he feared that he had screwed everything up with a simple trip down memory lane.

"I don't think General Dune will be joining us." Obi-Wan informed Satine as he approached them.

"How unfortunate." Satine replied with however he could tell it was forced. "Governor Vizsla, may I present to you Master Obi-Wan Kenobi representing the Jedi Council." She introduced him.

"Governor Vizsla is one of the best, he has been working hard to find any remaining members of the Death Watch." Satine introduced the Governor to Obi-Wan.

"I take it you've heard the rumours about Satine, and how she's supposedly leading Mandalore into an alliance with the Separatists." The Governor said to Obi-Wan.

"My only instructions are to seek the truth." He replied and their attention was turned to a stretcher carrying the dead attacker that floated by.

"This was the man who bombed that memorial shine?" Governor Vizsla asked.  "Yes, he was supposedly apart of Death Watch."  Obi-Wan answered.

"A worrisome prospect. If you don't mind me General, we must attend to the body." The Governor pardoned himself from the conversation.

He started to walk away and so did Satine but Obi-Wan stopped her.

"I need a favour from you." He asked lowly so no one else could hear. "Please keep Governor Vizsla occupied at dinner." He pleaded.

"Where are you going?" Satine asked worriedly, hoping he wouldn't get himself into any trouble.

"For a look around." Obi-Wan replied simply. "I'd like to see those mining facilities for myself." He shrugged but Satine had known him enough to see right through.

"You mean you want to determine if they're still operational." She corrected.

"I hope to determine they're not." He stated before reaching into one of the pockets on his belt and pulled out a small device.

"I want you to wear this earpiece so that we can stay in contact, in case you run into trouble while I'm gone." Obi-Wan handed the small device to her and his mind wondered back to Oriel.

Oriel Dune | Obi-Wan KenobiWhere stories live. Discover now