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I was in the kitchen when someone rang on my doorbell. Before I could even turn around to get the door, Aaliyah came running down the stairs.

I heard the door open and close then she came into the kitchen with Blue who was eating a bowl of cereal. I don't know why she brought a bowl of cereal here.

"Blues here. Before you get mad at me for not asking, I didn't know."

She was only making sure I saw Blue because she didn't ask. Any other time she wouldn't taken her and ran to her room.

"It's fine. Hi Blue, why did you have a bowl of cereal?"

"I came over here in the middle of eating cereal. It's not even soggy yet."

"What happened? You didn't text me why."

"My mama was having a marital argument right over my cereal, I had to go."

"Wait, so she doesn't know you're here?" I don't want her knocking my head off too.

"She'll be okay, she shouldn't have been arguing around her child. I'll go back home after they're calmed down."

"What happened?" I wasn't going to be the one to ask but since Aaliyah asked..

"I don't know, she was crying and saying something about my mom being a liar."

I choked on air and turned around to the dishes I was doing. What if she found out about what we did?

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, I just coughed. Blue do you want to stay for dinner? I'm making salmon and asparagus."

That's such a boring and basic dinner but I was lazy today.

"Yeah, sure."

"We're going up to my room now. We'll be back later." They went up to Aaliyah's room like they always do. 

I finished cooking and washing dishes then I called them to come eat dinner. Everything was going fine until Blue got a phone call.

"It's my mom." Blue looked scared for her life, I would be too if Beyoncé was my mother.

"Answer it, she's probably not even mad." I don't know why Aaliyah was lying to this girl.

Blue answered the phone and right away she flinched and moved her phone away from her face.

I could hear her yelling in the phone from across the table.

After she was finally finished, Blue could put the phone back to her ear. "I'm at Aaliyah's house, I'm eating dinner."

She had to pull the phone away from her ear again. "I just told you I'm at Aaliyah's house, I'm right down the street- okay I'm coming."

She hung up the phone and put it down. "She's crazy."

"You can stay as long as you want, I'll try to talk to her." I doubt she would listen to me but I felt bad.

"We should go get ice cream. We could even ask Miss Bey to come, she needs something to help her cool down anyway."

"Not right now, I'm tired." That's why I barely wanted to cook.

"Please, please, pleaseeee?!"

"I can take you guys tomorrow after school, I'm not going to work tomorrow."

"But tomorrow we won't be in bad moods, please?"

"Fine but you have to do the dishes after I cook tomorrow."

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