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We were setting up Lauren and Kelly today. Bey told me all about her plan and all I had to do was show up with Lauren.

I love how much Bey loves Kelly. She would really do anything to see her happy.

My only job was to bring Lauren to this restaurant/lounge. The same one I went to with Bey when she fingered me.

Lauren and I got there first so I had to find out seats. I got this booth that was more of a round couch.

"So why are we here?"

I might've pulled a Bey and just told her to get ready. "I just wanted to hang out, I like talking to you." This wasn't a lie.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Not in particular. How are you and the loser?"

"You won't guess what happened." I knew it was bad from how she was shaking her head.

"What did he do now?" It's always something with him.

"The nigga had a baby on me. His baby mama messaged me on Facebook saying I was messing with her baby dad."

"Lauren if you don't leave him." She's just like Bey.

"I did, I took all my shit out his house and blocked him on everything. I'm really done with him."

"You better be." Especially now that she's about to be with Kelly.

"I might be a little dumb but I know my limits. I'm ready to move on."

"I can tell. I saw how you were looking at Beys best friend."

She laughed and blocked her face from mine. "Stop, I just think she's a beautiful woman."

"Yeah, sure."

I was facing the entrance so I saw when Bey and Kelly walked in. I looked down at menu in front of me to make it less obvious.

Bey walked up to us and gasped. "Onika? What are you doing here?"

This feels familiar. "Oh my God, hey! Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?"

"We just decided to come pretty last minute. Just needed a couple drinks after a king day. Say hello Kelendria."

"Shut up. Hey Onika. Nice to see you again Lauren."

"H-hey." She's stuttering now?

"I love your shirt, where'd you get it from?"

Lauren was so flustered, she didn't know what to say. "Uhh Zara, I'm pretty sure. It's really nothing special."

"Sit down and talk to her dumbass." Bey pushed her towards Lauren and she stumbled forward.

"I would hate to impose, they're obviously here to-"

"It's fine, we're about to go have sex in the bathroom." She pulled me up, she's being aggressive today.

We started walking away without giving them much of a choice.  "Are we really going to have sex in the bathroom?"

"What? No, we're going to sit somewhere else and watch them."

"Oh." I was slightly disappointed but at least we get to watch them.

We walked not too far away but out of sight to this tall table with high seats. I love tables like this, I get to swing my feet.

"So we should probably eat before we get drinks?"

"Is this a date?" She's good at what she does, I didn't even realize it.

"I guess, isn't it the perfect one? Chicken wings, alcohol, and spying on people. Beyoncés favorite things."

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