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Life was good now that the holidays were behind us. I think Kelly copying me actually made us closer.

She doesn't want to tell me anything about Lauren for whatever reason. That's why I thought she was a virgin until a couple months ago.

I wonder what they do. Kelly is such a nice sweet laid back girl, Lauren's basically the opposite. I just know Lauren runs shit.

From what I saw, Kelly doesn't know what to do with her. She should've told me about her so I could help her. I had to tell her where to put her hands at the club.

I've been trying to get it out of her but she won't budge. She's a lawyer so she's a really good liar.

We had a couple glasses of wine so after she left I wanted to just sleep it off but I got a call instead. It was from Nylah.

I don't know why she's calling me but it must be about business. I answered, "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Nylah."

"I know who this is, I have caller id. Is there anything I can do for you?" I wasn't being rude, I was just using a business tone.

She giggled, "Sorry. Anyway, I was calling to let you know the final package came in so I can bring everything to you whenever you want."

"Just bring everything to me now. I'll send you my address."

If they were up to anything suspicious, it wouldn't matter if she has my address because Nia already has it.

"Cool, I'll be on my way as soon as you send it. See you soon."

"See you soon, bye." I hung up on her and sent her the address right away.

I was waiting on these clothes, that's really what was holding everything else with our trip up.

I wasn't drunk by far but the wine I drank had definitely gotten to me and I was feeling it. This was my first mistake.

She lied when she said she was going to be on her way as soon as I sent the address, I had to wait over an hour.

She called me when she was outside instead of ringing the doorbell, I think that's a generational thing. 

I went downstairs and opened the door, she was still in her car.

I watched her get out of her car and run to the backseat.  It was funny to watch her take little baby steps because of the heels she was in.

She was wearing a pink mini skirt with a slit in it It was dark outside so I couldn't see much but her shirt or tank top was multi colored and stopped at her waist.

"Hi! Sorry, I'm a little unorganized right now."

"It's alright, take your time." It's funny to notice the little ways people are scared of you. She was rushing because she assumed I was impatient.

I am but she doesn't know that. I wasn't going to rush her, that would make her even more unorganized.

She eventually got it all together and came inside. Her nerves made it harder.

"Where are you coming from?" I asked her as I sat down in a recliner in the living room.

"Why do you assume I'm coming from somewhere?"

"I'm assuming you weren't wearing that just around the house. Where are you coming from?"

She chuckled, "It's actually a really funny story. You wanna hear?"

She had stuff still in packages so we were just making conversation while she opened them.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

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