Chapter One

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*Ethan's POV*

"Ethan, wake up, you'll be late for school," my mom's voice says.

I groan in response.

"It's the first day. You don't want to be late, now, do you?"

I groan again.

"Ethan Samuel Miller, get out of bed this instant!"

Before I know it, the sheets beneath me are snatched away and I feel myself fall to the ground.

"Ouch," I mumble, still not moving.

I hear a sigh.

"Ethan, you have twenty minutes to get ready," my mom notes.

"Just five more minutes," I mumble.

"Sasha!" she calls out. "Come wake your brother up!"

My eyes fly open.

Before I have any time to react, I hear footsteps rushing over to my room and someone smacks me with a pillow.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Sasha, my five year old little sister, shrieks.

"Sasha, cut it out!" I demand as she continues to smack me with a unicorn print pillow.

"Jesus Christ, I'm up!" I announce, rolling over to rest on my back.

Sasha smiles mischievously at me before smacking me with her damn pillow one more time.

"You're gonna pay for that one," I say, scrambling out of the bundle of sheets and pillows on the floor.

Sasha screams, flinging her pillow into the air and running out of the room and into the hallway. I chase her around the house for about five minutes. When I finally catch the little brat, I carry her in my arms. She shrieks.

"It's no fair!" she whines. "You're feet are so big you run faster!"

I laugh.

I carry my annoying sister to her room and place her on the bed.

"You're a meanie," she says.

"I'm a meanie?" I say, my eyebrow creasing.

She nods. "A big meanie."

I hold up my hands. "I think this calls for a tickle attack."

"Noooooo!" she shrieks with laughter as I tickle her.

"Ethan, mom says you have, like, ten minutes left, dude!" Luke says, as he passes by Sasha's bedroom door.

I get momentarily distracted. Sasha seized the opportunity to wriggle from my grip and run out of the room, still laughing.

"Ethan!" my dad calls. "Breakfast's ready!"

I glance at the rainbow clock next to the picture of three flying unicorns above Sasha's bed.

"Shit," I hiss, rushing out of the room.

I don't have time to take a quick shower, so, instead, I freshen up in my bathroom. Then, I open the closet and pick out whatever I see in front of me. I wear my black short sleeved shirt and pull on my dark jeans. I spray some deodorant and perfume before wearing my shoes then take a quick glance at the mirror.

My brown hair is messy and my eyes are dark. I take a moment to wonder whether or not I should fix myself up then decide against it. No matter how I look or what I wear, I somehow have half the girls in my school falling at my feet.

That's the thing about me. I'm what you'd call a bad boy. Yes, it may not seem like it when I'm at home and with my family; but you'd be surprised to know that I drink, take drugs, and smoke when out partying all weekend with my friends.

My parents don't need to know that though.

I grab my school bag and descend the staircase, heading to the kitchen. Around the table are Sasha, Luke-my fourteen year old brother, my mom, and dad. My siblings are peacefully eating their bowls of cereal while my parents are drinking their mugs of coffee.

"'Morning," I say.

I open the fridge and grab the milk, drinking directly from the carton.

My family suddenly erupts in angry complaints.

"Don't do that!" Luke complains.

"That's gross!" Sasha whines.

"What did I tell you about doing that?" my dad demands.

"It's not sanitary!" my mom insists.

I ignore them as I continue to gulp down the milk. Then, I grab the Coco Pops cereal box and tilt back my head, allowing the crunchy pieces to fall into my mouth.

My family groans at my sloppiness.

I then toss the empty milk carton into the sink and drop the cereal box onto the table.

"See ya," I say, walking out of the back door.

I unlock my new Lamborghini and climb into it, making my way to Westington High School where, as of today, I am a senior.

*Ariana's POV*

I silence my alarm by slamming my hand into the off button.

I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. By the time I'm done, the sunlight has already penetrated the room. I took a good look around. My room's pretty small. My bed is pushed against the center of the wall. On its left side, the whole wall is made of glass, leading to a small balcony outside with a view of the sea crashing over the sandy shore. On its right is a door to my bathroom and my dresser. In the far corner of the room is a chair where I leave random stuff on-worn clothes, dirty laundry, my old homework, you name it.

I walk over to my closet and pick out baggy jeans and a white button-down shirt.

I take a good look at my reflection in the mirror before I leave. My damp, dark blond hair is tied in a tight bun at the top of my head. My eyes are a mixture between blue and grey. My clear face holds no trace of makeup like the rest of the girls in my school. I attempt to smile. My teeth are white and straight-I removed my braces yesterday and my jaw's killing me.

I sling my red backpack over my shoulder and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I silently eat my cereal as my strict father focuses on nothing but the newspaper in front of him.

"Good morning," I say, trying to smile.

He glances at me and grimaces.

He hates me. My father doesn't stand the sight of my face ever since my mother died sixteen years ago while trying to give birth to me. I don't even feel like I ever had a father. All he's ever done is teach me to walk, talk, and give me a place to live. He's never ever, in my entire life, shown me affection the way a real parent is supposed to. But that's okay. I'm used to that now.

I finish my breakfast just as I hear a honking sound outside. I toss the dish into the sink and hurry out before I miss the bus to school.

"Hi, Matilda," I smile at the bus driver as I climb in.

She returns the smile.

I walk to the seat by the window at the very back of the bus. I wanted a car. I wanted to proudly drive to school in my own car instead of just sitting here in a bus where twenty kids are currently throwing spitballs at one another or making obnoxious and rude sounds.

I shift closer to the window but stop immediately as I feel myself sitting on something. I stand up and find a pink piece of chewed gum right in the middle of my ass. Great. Just perfect. We're off to a grand first day of school.

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