Chapter Thirty

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-I don't know why but I'm gonna start adding random media. Enjoy Ethan's face everyone-

*Ethan's POV*

I wake up the next morning not knowing what happened last night.

I find myself naked in bed with some girl. A used condom is lying on the floor. It doesn't need an Einstein to connect the dots on this one.

I sit up and rub my forehead. Stupid, that's what it is. I feel bile rise up to my throat just by looking at the sleeping girl. I shouldn't have done that. I didn't want to do that. Why did I do it anyway?

I stand up and check the time. It's nine. I'm walking over to Matt's closet to borrow his clothes when I realize I have school. Fuck. I really don't want to go but the principal's probably going to call my mom if I don't and she'd go completely nuts if she finds out I didn't come home last night and I'm not at school today.

I wear a white shirt and black pants and freshen up.

When I get to the kitchen, Matt's already up and dressed. I feel happiness swell up inside me at the sight of the bruise. I wish I could punch him again. Harder this time.

"'Morning," he yawns.

I don't reply.

Instead, I walk over to the front door and get into my car, driving to school. I'm suddenly very grateful that I forgot my back pack in class anyway.

The minute I step foot into the hallway, a lot of people stare.

I try to ignore their gawking eyes but its hard to do that when they're looking at me so intently.

I walk over to Nina.

"What's with everyone today?" I ask her.

"You had sex with Ariana," she says bluntly.

I stare. "I did?"

"That's what you told Matt, you asshole."

I frown. "It was a joke."

"It's not funny though."

"How did everyone even find out about this?"

"Matt told me. Sarah heard him and told Courtney. Courtney told Kylie. Kylie told Jen. Jen told Dameon-"

"Okay, okay, I get it."

"You're such a little bitch," she sighs.

"What are you so mad about?" I question.

"Ethan, you obviously like Ariana and I know that. Do you know how much of a fuck up you are for saying this? You know what's gonna happen now? She's gonna hate you. And you're gonna go back to drinking and smoking. Because you're an asshole."

I run my fingers through my hair. This isn't so bad, is it? I've made Nina spread a lot of other rumors that are worse than this one. How mad can Ariana really be about this?

My question is answered when I see Ariana making her way towards me. And she does not look happy.


*Ariana's POV*

I was having a fucking fantastic morning until I found out I had sex with Ethan. Literally everyone in the hallway was talking about it. How do people find out things about you before you yourself even know it?

When I see Ethan, I don't give it a second thought. All I do is walk towards him, getting ready to explode.

Nina sees me and walks away. Good. She probably won't want to stick around for this.

"You," I say. "You're a fucking bastard."

"Ariana-" he starts.

"No, no. Don't Ariana me. Are you right in the head, Ethan? Do you think before you fucking talk or something? I don't get you, I just don't get you. I thought we were done with this crap!"

"Don't act like you didn't expect it," he says.

"Yeah, you're right. I totally should've expected you to go ahead and tell people we 'fucked' on Saturday after you were actually being nice to me."

"I've done worse, I don't know why you're so mad about this."

"Why I'm so mad about this?" I tug at a strand of my hair. "I actually started to trust you, Ethan! I thought you were a good person-"

"And I thought you hated Matt!" He bursts out. "I guess we're both wrong!"


"I do hate Matt," I note.

"If you do then why'd you kiss him twice?"

The bell for class rings. We both ignore it.

"I was caught of guard!" I'm so close to fucking slapping his perfect face. "I didn't even think he'd do it in your room and at the door he just randomly, like-I don't know! And then I was drunk so I just said random things-"

"You weren't drunk when you..." His voice faltered. His eyes widened as he begins to process my sentence. "How many times did you... What things did you say?"

Why's he so interested in this? Why doesn't he just let it go?

"Nothing," my face flushes. "When we were at the bar I guess I said I was Matt's... Girlfriend."

Ethan stared at me for a few seconds. He then held up a finger, like: give me a minute. He then turned and banged his head onto the lockers repeatedly.

"Ethan?" I question.

"This. Is. Complete. Utter. Crap." He says between bangs.

He then stops, resting his forehead on the surface of the lockers, taking deep breaths.

"And you expect me to think you don't like him now?" He questions quietly.

"Ethan, I was drunk," I say. "Why am I even explaining this to you?"

He turns to me. "Because I fucking like-"

"Why aren't you in class?" The teacher demands.

"We were just on our way," I say, walking away from Ethan.

"You better hurry, there's an announcement," the teacher adds.

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