Chapter Seven

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*Ethan's POV*

It's just another day of school. I really can't wait till Friday.

I walk through the hallways feeling more tired than ever. I've slept through five classes already. I didn't sleep that late last night though.

I open my locker and ignore the cluster of girls batting their lashes at me and giggling.

"I haven't seen that Ariana girl all day," Matt says, walking to me. "Just like all the others." He shakes his head, smiling.

"They make it too easy," I sigh. "You spill a few secrets and suddenly they're..." my voice falters.

I feel fully awake as I see a girl walk past Matt and me. Her long wavy hair is dark blond and her eyes are blue-grey. My eyes dart down to her full pinkish lips. She's wearing dark skinny jeans and a white tank top that really brought out her curves. She leaves a trail of perfume behind as she ignores Matt and my gawking at her.

"Who's that?" I ask.

Matt cranes his neck to stare at her ass. "Holy shit."

Was this girl here when we started school last week? I don't think so-I haven't seen her around. But one thing's for sure: I'd tap that.

"I call dibs," I shove Matt away as I hurry down the hall behind her.

The girl stops to open her locker but is distracted by me as I lean against it, flashing her my famous, charming smile.

*Ariana's POV*

It wasn't so hard to look good. All I had to do was match my clothes, let my hair loose, and make sure my eyebrows are still in shape.

I may have also added some lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara. It was my first time using makeup, so I felt worried that people might think I applied it wrong or something.

I made sure I added a lot of perfume before walking to school instead of taking the bus.

No one's barked or howled at me all day. No one's called me a bitch or cussed at me. My plan seemed to be working... so far. Instead, I felt all eyes on me as I walked down the halls. I started to wonder whether I looked weird.

I spotted Matt and Ethan and decided to draw their attention to me. I walked past them and tried to pretend like I was ignoring them. I started to head to my locker and blew out a breath of disappointment as I thought they didn't notice me at all.

Now, I'm trying to hide my satisfaction as Ethan stands, leaning against my locker and smiling at me. This is the first time I see him up close. I have to admit, he's extremely handsome. It was almost as if no matter how he came to school, he'd look just as good as he always does anyway. His brown messy hair is sticking up in random directions and his dark eyes seem to sparkle. The corners of his perfect lips were upturned and I felt myself flush as I realize this smile was directed at me.

"Hello, beautiful," he says softly.

Yeah. Smooth.

I can't help but smile, so I roll my eyes at him too.

I feel confident right now. Ever since I've stepped out of my house looking like this, I've lost my ability to constantly blush and stutter nervously at cute boys.

Ethan grins, revealing shallow dimples on his cheeks.

"How come I haven't seen you before here?" he asks.

His tone is enough to make me melt. But I'm determined to stand here and pretend I'm not into him at all. Even after what he's done to me, I can't help but feel attracted to him.

"I think you have," I say matter-of-factly.

His eyebrows furrow. "I think I'd have noticed someone as gorgeous as you around."

Oh, he's good.

"Nice one," I say.

My palms are starting to sweat. The wall I had built overnight to hold in my nervousness is already breaking down.

"I'm Ethan Miller. You are..?"

"I'm pretty sure I know who you are. I'm Ariana Dales."

It takes Ethan a second to let that sink in. He frowns, as if he's trying to remember where he'd heard that name before. His eyes suddenly widen and he gapes at me.

"You... what?" he stutters.

Okay, I feel more comfortable now.

"I'm just trying a new look," I look down at myself.

"Ariana?" he questions.

I nod. "It's been nice talking to you, but I really want to get my books for my next class. So, if you'd just move..."

Ethan stares at me for a few more seconds before he turns around, mutters: holy fucking crap, and walks away slowly.

He takes one more glance at me before turning the corner and disappearing.

"So, it worked?" Danielle asked, peering from behind the lockers.

"I think it did," I grin at her.

"Am I a smartass or what?" she asks smugly.

I laugh, nodding. This was working so far.

*Ethan's POV*

I have never been more mindfucked in my entire life. Ariana Dales was the last person I'd expect to look as good as that. But when she told me who she was, I couldn't deny the obvious resemblance-the eye and hair color, the skin tone, the voice... but this was still completely fucked up.

I mean, I've never actually took the time to examine her face. Her eyebrows were somewhat bushy, her bun was too tight, her lips were always pursed, her head was bowed, and her clothes were too baggy. But now? Confidence suddenly overtook her this morning and she loosened up a little... and look at where it brought her. Damn.

I make my way back to Matt.

"So?" he questioned. "Who is she? Is she new?"

I shake my head. I'm in too much of a shock right now.

"What?" he cocks his head to the side. "Is she half male or something?"

I shake my head again, pressing my lips together in shame. I just flirted with a girl I'm supposed to be bullying.

"Dude, seriously, you're creeping me out," Matt says, frowning.

"Ariana," I say. "It's her."

He stares blankly at me. "What?"

"Ariana Dales has transformed into one of the hottest girls I've ever met."

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