Chapter Twenty Three

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*Ethan's POV*

Ariana's standing in front of me now, her eyes bloodshot and her face flushed.

"Ethan?" She questions.

What the hell is she doing here?

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Everyone keeps asking this," she whines.

"Are you drunk?" I demand.

"Everyone keeps asking that too!" She complains.

Matt walks over to Ariana, pulling her to him.

"Ariana, where the hell do you think you're going?" He demands.

"I'm going home," she says.

"I told you I'd take you home later," he tells her.

Okay, what the fuck did I miss?

"You brought her here?" I ask Matt, my temper rising.

"Yeah," he replies casually.

"Why's she drunk?" I demand.

"We had a few of beers in the bar-"

"In the bar? She had a few beers in a bar?" I question angrily.

I don't know why I'm mad about this but I just am.

"Yeah," Matt responds, looking confused. "So?"

"Dude, look at her! She's fucking drunk-I don't-what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Chill, man, it's not like anything bad happened."

I gape at him. It's seriously impossible for someone to be this damn stupid.

"I don't feel so good," Ariana says, gripping her stomach.

"Fuck yeah, you don't, come on, let's take you home," I say.

"No," Matt says. "She wanted to come here anyway, you can't tell her what to do."

"She has to go home, look at her!"

"She's here with me, if anyone's gonna take her home, it's definitely not you. Find your own slut."

Before I know it, my fist connects with Matt's cheekbone as I punch him as hard as I can.

He stumbles back, gripping his face.

"What the hell was that?" He yells.

What the hell was that? Why did I just do that? It takes me a moment to snap out of my daze and grab Ariana's arm.

"Come on, let's take you home," I say.

I lead her through the crowd. I feel fresh air fill my lungs as I finally find my way out of the stuffy house.

I help Ariana into my car and I climb into the driver's seat.

"Where's your house?" I say, pulling out of the lot.

"No," she groans. "My dad can't see me like this."

"Where do I take you then?" I ask.

She suddenly opens the car door and I hear her throw up. I wince. Okay, gross.

When she's done, she closes the door and I continue to drive. I guess I really have no other option but to take her home with me.

Ten minutes later, my car is parked in my garage. I get out and open the door for Ariana.

"Come on," I tell her. "Get out."

She groans, her eyes closed.

I sigh. Fine.

I carry her in my arms and kick the car door closed. I then make my way inside the house.

All the lights are off. That means everyone's asleep. As long as I don't make any noise, I'm off the hook. Until tomorrow morning when I'd have to explain why Ariana slept over last night. But let's not worry about that right now.

I walk into my room, switch on the lights, and quietly close the door.

I place Ariana on my bed.

"Your room looks worse when I'm drunk," she mumbles.

"I know," I say.

I feel really awkward right now. I still don't know why I acted the way I did tonight or why I felt annoyed that Matt was with Ariana and all. It really has been a strange day.

Ariana sits on her knees and fumbles with the hem of her shirt. I watch her confusedly.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"I'm trying..." Her voice falters.

She pulls her shirt over her head and I have no intention of stopping her.

Holy shit, she's hot.

"Why are you-" I start to ask.

"It's hot in here," she mutters, slipping down her jeans.

Well, I'm not complaining.

My eyes rake down her body, and may I say, damn.

I take in her perfectly sexy curves and her clear light skin before she pulls my sheets over her.

As much as I was enjoying the view, I know she'd hate me for seeing her like this in the morning. Not that I care if she hates me but, you know...

I rummage through my drawers then toss a black shirt and a pair of my red boxers to her.

She groans. "Stop that."

"Put them on," I tell her.

She smirks at me. "Don't pretend you don't like this."

"I'm not," I say. "I do like this. But put some clothes on."

Ariana sighs, pulling the sheets off and wearing my clothes. Once she's fully dressed, she slips her bra off and tosses it at me.

"Jesus Christ," I say as I catch it.

She giggles.

By the time I'm dressed in only my boxers, she's already asleep. I grab one of the fallen grey bedsheets on the floor and drape them over myself on the couch. Within seconds, I'm asleep too.

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