Chapter Sixty Two

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-Ethan POV-

I wake up from the best sleep I've had in days. I look to find Ariana's up too.

"'Morning, baby," I grin.

She pulls the sheets over her head. "I'm tired."

"I'll bet you are," I smirk.

I hear her giggle and it makes me laugh. She abruptly climbs over me and presses her lips to mine. I have no idea what's come over her this early in the morning but I sure as hell am not complaining.

I move my hands to her ass and give a gentle squeeze.

She groans. "Ethan, don't."

"I know you like it," I tease.

She stifles a smile as I sit up, her still straddling me.

"I feel great," she grins.

I cup her bare breasts and slowly knead them.

"I can't imagine why," I say.

Ariana leans into me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I don't wanna go downstairs," she mumbles.

"No, actually, I'm hungry," I admit as I get off the bed and she slips off my lap.

She glares at me but I merely laugh at her annoyance. I toss her the black bra and panties that were on the floor and watch as she slips them on. I take out two fresh pairs of boxers from my dresser. I wear the plain black one and hand her the dark grey one along with one of my black shirts.

She gets dressed and we both go to my bathroom to freshen up. And that was a big mistake because we spend about five minutes splashing water at each other like little kids. I may or may not have started it.

"Okay, stop, stop," she laughs, beginning to brush her teeth.

I nudge her one more time just for the fun of it but she shoves my arm away and continues to brush her teeth. When we're done with washing our faces and whatnot (hah, I just said 'whatnot'), we leave the room and descend the staircase.

I'm suprised to hear panicked voices coming from the livingroom.

"-don't know for sure if it's him, if it's true," my mom says, looking extremely worried.

Ariana and I pause, standing at the bottom of the steps, and stare at my mom and her dad discussing something seriously.

"What's going on here?" I ask.

My mom turns to me and Ariana and her eyes widen. "You have to leave. Both of you."

Ariana stares. "What?"

"You have to go upstairs," Joseph, Ariana's dad, clarifies.

I frown. "But what-"

"This is, uhm... about Sasha," my mom says quickly. "It's nothing to worry about, so go upstairs honey."

"Sasha?" I repeat. "If it's about her bone marrow transplant, I already volunteered and I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Bone marrow transplant?" Ariana chokes.

I glance at her and my heart sinks. Shit, she wasn't supposed to know about that.

When I went to visit the hospital a few days ago, the doctor told us that the only efficient cure for Sasha's cancer is a bone marrow transplant -- and it had to be a family member with a suitable Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA). I volunteered -- anything to save Sasha. But we still didn't run any tests to check if our HLA match each other. In my own way, I'm worried about this. But not all that much for some reason. Ariana seems to think this is a huge deal though.

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