Chapter Five

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*Ariana's POV*

Tears are pouring down my cheeks as I push through the crowd of people laughing at my misery. My heart is racing and my legs are trembling. How did this even happen?

"Look at the little bitch!" someone laughs.

I whimper, trying to hold in my emotions just long enough to leave this hellhole. People spit hurtful and harsh comments at me the whole time I try to escape. Once I get leave the house and get a whiff of the fresh air around me, I break into a run. I keep running and running until I find that I'm well away from Matt's house.

I burst into tears, my entire body shaking. How could people be so cruel? How could they just make fun of me and find a way to laugh at things that are so serious and personal to me? I can't help but imagine them all as demons, and Ethan as the devil.

After what feels like hours later, I walk all the way home. By the time I walk through the front door, my legs feel stiff and my body threatens to just collapse onto the floor in exhaustion.

I walk past my father and struggle to ascend the staircase.

"You're early," he says.

I ignore him, making my way to my room.

I shut the door and lazily walk to my bed. The tears are still streaming down my face when I find myself drifting to sleep.


"Ariana!" someone calls.

I ignore the voice and continue to sleep.

"Ariana, your friend's here to see you."

My eyes fly open. Friend? Why's Dylan here?

"I'll be right there!" I say loudly.

I wash my face and brush my teeth hurriedly. I make my way down and I'm more than surprised to see that it isn't Dylan sitting on the couch.

"Ariana," Danielle says, standing up. "Hi."

My brows furrow. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk to you," she says.

I gesture for her to follow me back upstairs. I shut my room door as she takes a seat on the edge of my bed. I stand in front of her and stare expectantly, waiting for an explanation as to why she's here in my house at nine in the morning.

"You're still dressed up, I see," she says.

I look down at my clothes and my heart sinks as reality hits me in the face. Oh, God. Last night. The party. My secrets. Ethan. I feel a familiar burning feeling behind my eyes but I stop the tears from escaping. No, I can't cry again.

"I fell asleep," I say flatly. "If you're here to make fun, I suggest you leave-"

"No, no," she says quickly. "Even though I had absolutely nothing to do with what happened last night, I just feel really bad and I don't like the way Ethan made everyone make fun of you like that."

"Me neither, apparently," I note.

She sighs. "Look, I know this isn't an excuse but Ethan was drunk and he wasn't thinking straight-"

"Please, he'd have done that even if he was sober."

"Just listen to me please. I came here because I want to help you, okay? I won't take no for an answer."

I hesitate. "I don't even know you, Danielle; I met you just last night."

"I know," she admits, "but I still want to help. You seem like a... nice person. And what they did was unfair. They do that to a loser every year-uh, no offense."

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