Chapter Fifty Seven

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-Ariana's POV-

It takes me forever to remove myself from Ethan's grip. We have school today and I have no intention in waking Ethan up for it. He's too sick to go anyway. I freshen up and leave him in bed, hugging a pillow in his peaceful sleep.

I freshen up and get changed. I wear a peach tank top and random light skinny jeans. I glance at Ethan and plant a kiss on his heated cheek before heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning," I tell my dad as I pour myself some cereal and milk.

"'Morning," he says. "Ariana, we need to talk."

I glance up at him nervously. This is about Ethan, isn't it?

"We can talk later, I don't wanna be late for school," I say.

He sighs. "I don't like the direction our relationship is heading in."

"Me neither," I admit.

"I'm your father and I'm trying to reach out to you but you won't let me."

"Because it's not fair to me that you just suddenly decided to care," I admit.

"I know," he says. "I was a terrible father and I feel guilty for everything."

I tie my hair back into a ponytail.

"Did Ethan stay here overnight?" He asks.

I shift uncomfortably. "Yes."

"In your room?" He presses on.

"Yes," I reply. "But nothing happened. We just fell asleep."

He grimaces. "I don't like the fact that-"

"You don't have a say in this," I snap.

"I'm your father, I will always have a say in who sleeps with my daughter," he argues.

"Why don't you even like him?" I demand.

"I have a bad feeling about him. He goes to parties, he drinks -- he's a bad influence on you and I'm worried."

"You're friends with his mother. Isn't this supposed to be a bonus or something?"

"I happen to know what kind of boy he is and I don't want you around him."

"He's my boyfriend -- end of story."


"You don't know anything," I cut in, "about what happened between us. You don't know how he's like and you definitely have no idea how much he cares about me. And I care about him too."

He falls silent. "He'll hurt you."

I almost laugh. "I'm seventeen, dad, I'll get hurt eventually."

His face falls and he looks down, obviously upset.

I walk over and give my dad a hug. For a moment, he's too surprised to do or say anything. But then he hugs me back tightly. I lost my mom. I shouldn't lose my dad too.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," he says.

"It's... fine." I pull away. "I'm gonna be late for school if I don't leave now."

"You didn't even eat your breakfast," he gestures to the cereal.

"I'm not hungry," I say.

I take one more look at him before leaving.

-Ethan's POV-

When I wake up, it takes me a few moments to realize where I am. I check the time and establish that Ariana didn't want me to go to school today. My headache agrees with her.

I slowly climb out of bed and head to the kitchen for something to eat.

The moment I enter, I see Joseph sitting on a chair and reading the newspaper. I glance down and silently curse myself for not putting on a shirt or at least pants over my boxers. My face reddens.

"G-good morning," I stutter.

Joseph's eyes scan me up and down in distaste before turning to his newspaper.

It could've been worse. He could've kicked me out of the house.

"I think Ariana left you some leftover soup," he says coldly.

I nod and, as told, I find the bowl of chicken noodle soup on the counter. I microwave it and lean against the table awkwardly.

"So... Uhm, how are you?" I ask him.

Joseph nods. "I'm well."

"Right. I-"

"Let's get something clear," he says abruptly. Shit. I'm not gonna live to leave this house am I? "Ariana's my only daughter. I haven't shown it much but I care about her so, so much. If you dare hurt her, I swear-"

"I won't, I never will," I say quickly.

"Don't interrupt me," he snaps.

"Yes, sir," I say, slightly panicked.

"I know what kind of boy you are," he continues. "I was like you when I was your age."

"I can assure you that I really like your daughter," say cautiously.

"And how can I be sure about that?"

I run my fingers through my hair. "I'll -- I can make her happy." An idea suddenly drifted into my head and I can't help but feel ridiculously excited. "In fact, I have something planned. And I-I need your help. If that's okay."

Joseph narrows his eyes. "What kind of help?"

"What do you know about Ariana's mom's crystal pendant necklace... sir?" I add nervously.

The microwave beeps but I ignore it.

He frowns. "I haven't seen it since... her death. I think it belongs to Ariana's maternal grandparents."

"I think if we can get it for her then she won't feel so upset about her mom anymore," I explain.

He fixes me with a look. "Is that so?"

I nod. "She was even talking to me about it yesterday."

He blows out a breath. "Her grandparents live near here but I don't know where exactly. I suppose I can look up their number in the phone book and ask..."

I grin. "Thank you so much-"

"But I'm not doing this for you," he reminds me. "I'm doing it for Ariana's happiness."

"Me too," I admit. "See? We have something incommon and..." My voice trails away as he scowls at me.

"How long are you staying here, Miller?" he asks.

"I'm leaving today," I tell him.

He nods. "I don't like you walking around my house like this."

"I-I know."

He pauses. "But I'll tell you what. If you make Ariana happy, I'll have to approve of this whole," he gestures to me, "relationship with her."

My eyes light up. "Really?"

"But the day you hurt her will be the day you stop breathing."

I smile weakly and take my soup out of the microwave. I eat it up nervously as I try not to think of how much pressure is on me right now.

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