Chapter Eleven

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*Ariana's POV*

It's been a few days since my... talk with Ethan. I haven't even looked at him since then.

Today's Friday. The only thing keeping me from going insane is the fact that it's finally the weekend. All week, people have been picking on me or muttering things as I pass by them. What made matters worse was when a a couple girls actually started asking me out. I facepalm them then walk away, pretending that that did not just happen.

I found Nathan talking to his friend, Ricky. Although I know it's rude, I went over to them and cut their conversation short.

"Nathan, I really need to talk to you," I say.

"I'm talking to Rick, this can wait-"

"No," I say. "It can't. Just hear me out. Please?"

Nathan hesitates before nodding. He then glances at Ricky, gesturing for him to leave us alone. I take in a deep breath.

"They're all rumors, I swear," I tell him. "I'm not a protitute nor am I a lesbian, okay? Ethan and Matt just made that up for fun-"

"You actually expect me to believe that they did that for their own entertainment?" He asks. "They can't be that stupid."

"You'd be surprised," I say. "I don't know why, they just have it in for me, Nathan."

He shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I just don't believe you."

I feel tears burning in my eyes. How can I get through to him?

"What ever happened to our date?" I demand. I really wish my voice would stop trembling. "You told me weren't against me!"

"That was before I found out all those things about you."

"But they're not true," I whine. "Look me in the eye and tell me you actually think all they're saying about me is true."

Nathan looks at me and pauses as if he's trying to draw the truth from my blue grey eyes.

"I guess you're right," he mutters, looking down.

"So... are we okay?" I ask almost hopefully.

He scrunches up his nose. "Well, I don't know... I just think we shouldn't hang out at school."

I bite my lip. "You're embarrassed to be seen with me, aren't you? You're worried about what people would say about you."

"I dont want to end up like-like you," he says, his face flushing.

"Wow," I say. "Now, you're not who I thought you were."

"Can you really blame me though?" He asks.

"Well, like... no, I guess not. You don't believe them at all then, right?"

He hesitates then looks away from me.

Jesus, Nathan.

"What?" I say, obviously irritated. "What is it?"

"I don't believe you're a lesbian," he says slowly.

My mouth falls open. "What? Nathan, you think I'm a prostitute? Are you fucking kidding me?"

He grimaces. "I don't know, I mean, with the whole thing about your dad and stuff, it sort of makes sense."

There's no amount of words that can explain how truly hurt I feel right now.

I nod. "Thanks, asshole."

I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm and turns me to him. I reluctantly keep myself from escaping.

"No, that was wrong," he says quickly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"You think?" I say indigninantly.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"I just don't get how I'm supposed to prove to you that I'm not what they say I am."

He sighs. "You don't have to. I was being really stupid. I believe you."

My eyebrow creases. "You do?"

He nods and I smile.

I'm about to say something when someone appears behind me.

"Ariana," Ethan says.

I close my eyes, praying for this to be a mere portion of my imagination. I just know this can't end well if he's really here.

Ethan wraps an arm around my waist. I glare at him, knowing that if I push him away, he'll make things worse.

"Last night was amazing," he says. "I didn't know you were that good." My heart sinks as I realize where he's going with this. Ethan then turns his attention to Nathan. "If you ever feel horny in the middle of the night, you know who to call," he pinches my hip, gesturing to me. "I forgot to pay you though. Do you charge by the hour or-"

"It was nice talking to you," Nathan tells me.

I know by the look in his eyes that he lost all faith in me. Thank you so fucking much, Ethan. Nathan turns and walks away, leaving me completely devastated.

"Is he one of your clients?" Ethan asks me.

I push his arm away from me and move away from him disgustedly.

"What the hell was that?" I demand. "What did you do that for?"

"Just doing my job," he smiles at me. It wasn't his charming smile. It was his twisted, evil one. "Speaking of jobs, shouldn't you be doing yours right about now? I have some people who could really use a satisfying night-"

"No, stop, just stop," I snap, turning away from him. I can't even stand the sight of him anymore.

"Come on," he says, stepping closer. "I could get you a promotion if you'd just let me."

The tears begin to spill from my eyes as I rush to the girls' bathroom.

I didn't want him to see me this weak but I couldn't help it. I feel like there's no end to this. He would just never get tired of destroying me.

A couple of girls walk out of the stalls and wash their hands. They give me a dirty look before leaving the bathroom. I cry harder.

*Ethan's POV*

Nina walks over to my side as I watch Ariana run to the bathroom.

"You're really good at that," she tells me.

I grin. "I know. She's so miserable."

"You should thank me," she smiles smugly. "I'm the one who spread the rumors."

I say nothing. I don't thank people.

"What else can you spread?" He asks.

"My legs," she jokes, leaning against me.

"Spoken like a true slut," I say.

She glares at me.

"No, seriously," I continue, "people are gonna start getting bored of this soon. We need something else to make up."

She frowns. "I'll try to think of something."

"You better do that by Monday," I say. "I want something that will wreck her."

I begin to walk away from Nina, wondering how it's even possible for someone as coldhearted as me to exist.

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