Chapter Thirty Three

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*Ariana's POV*

I suck at skiing. In fact, if there was a medal for the worst skiier who ever lived, I'd definitely win it.

I'm standing still on the snow now, my legs feel uncomfortable as I cross my skis, keeping myself in place. One more move and I'll go tumbling down this slope.

I find that I'm completely alone here and I have no intention of moving in any way so I'm pretty much stuck. Huh. This trip's off to a good start, don't you think?

"I offered you some help," I hear a voice say.

I turn to see Ethan. I swear he shows up everywhere.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"I've been skiing since I was nine," he says. "So I'm pretty awesome at this. I could've taught you but..."

"Shut up and get me down there," I say.

"And what'll this cost me?" He smirks.

"Ethan," I whine. "Please just help me out here."

He laughs lightly then pauses, probably considering it.

"Bend your knees but not too much," he says. "Make sure your skis are completely straight and don't lose control of them when you're skiing down the mountain. Keep your legs apart-yeah, like that."

He then gives me a little nudge and I find myself slipping. The next thing I know, I'm actually skiing.

For a moment, it feels great. The wind's in my hair and I'm doing everything right. I turn to see Ethan skiing down behind me. I get momentarily distracted and trip over my own skis. I then tumble a few feet down before managing to stop myself from going any further. Snow has slipped into my pants and I'm pretty sure my hair's a mess. I remove my glasses and take off my skis. I'm officially pissed.

Ethan doesn't make matters any better as he laughs, sitting down beside me and removing his skis and glasses too.

"Stop it, this was my first time," I grumble.

"That's why its funny," he continues to laugh.

I shove his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asks me, biting his lip to stifle a smile.

"I'm fine. But you're an ass."

"So I've been told."

I almost laugh. Almost.

Ethan helps me up. But the shoes I use for skiing are so uncomfortable that the second he lets go, I lose balance and fall right over him. We land face to face.

My eyes dart down to his lips, and for a second, I almost move closer to kiss him but when I realize what I'm doing, I move away quickly.

"Why won't you kiss me?" He practically whines as he sits up.

"Because I don't want to."

He almost looks annoyed for a second but then he smirks. "You so want to."

"Sure I do."

Ethan and I spend the rest of the day together, him trying to teach me to ski and me failing constantly.

By the time it's six, everyone makes their way back to their hotel room. After realizing that the hot water's limited here, Ethan and I race each other to our shared room.

When I get there first, I quickly make my way to the bathroom and lock the door.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I hear him say from the other side of it.

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