Chapter Thirteen

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*Ethan's POV*

"Are you sure you did it right?" I ask.

"Yes, I told some geeks to do it, it can't go wrong," Nina says, rolling her eyes.

I stand in the hallway near the lockers where any second now, the bell's going to ring and Ariana's going to walk out of class. I've already got her memorized. She's gonna go straight to her locker and retrieve her books. But if she actually knew what we were planning... she wouldn't dare open her locker.

The bell rings and I mentally prepare myself for a huge laugh. Everyone comes pouring out of different classrooms and the hallway's filled with noise again.

Ariana walks out of math class with her books in her hands and heads to her locker. I shift in place, excitement rising. The second she opens it, red paint splatters onto her face and shirt and she screams.

Nina clamps a hand to her mouth, giggling, whereas I explode in laughter.

Ariana's scream attracts the attention of practically the whole hallway. Matt walks over to my side, obviously confused. I forgot to tell him about the plan.

"What are they all staring-oh," Matt says.

He then joins me and everyone else in hysterical laughter.

"That's genius, man," he says, highfiving me.

"I'm the one who came up with it," Nina argues.

I roll my eyes. "Who cares? The point is she's embarrassed and miserable and-see, she's already going to the girls' bathroom."

I point at her as she runs away, trying to hide from her humiliation.

I decide that the show isn't over yet and push through the throng, following her.

*Ariana's POV*

I look in the mirror. My dark blond hair is drenched in red paint along with my face and my favorite white shirt. My salty tears mix with the substance which causes a slight burn on my skin.

Great. This is just fantastic.

I turn on the faucet and try to wash the paint off my face at least. It does very little use. I snatch a few tissue papers from the small box on the wall and wipe forehead and cheeks.

I hear the door swing open. I turn to find the last person I'd want to talk to right now.

"Go away, Ethan," I say through clenched teeth.

"Red's a pretty good color on you," he smirks.

"Leave," I demand. "This is the girls' bathroom."

"No shit."

"Haven't you embarrassed me enough?" I yell at him. "You've already managed to make me miserable! It's been a month, how are you not fucking tired of this?"

"It's fun."

"Yeah sure, most teenagers prefer watching TV for fun but noooo you'd rather destroy someone's life. Why not?"

"You seriously shouldn't forget what I told you days ago."

My mind rewinds to the day I thought I should stand up for myself and confront Ethan once and for all. Damn, was I stupid. I remember the way he pushed me against the wall and the feel of his breath on my neck.

I shake the memory away, my face as red as my hair and clothes.

"I haven't yet," I tell him. "How long are you going to keep doing this?"

He shrugs. "Until it gets boring. I don't think it will though."

"Yeah, thanks."

He leaves the bathroom. He's never gonna stop, is he?

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