Chapter Thirty Five

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*Ethan's POV*

I hear a door close and I wake up. Ariana must've gone to the bathroom. I reach out for my phone on the night-table and check my texts. I have sixty four. Sixty fucking four.

I'm just mentally complaining about how much people talk to me when the bathroom door opens.

At first, I squint at Ariana's figure searching for something in one of the drawers of the dresser, my eyes still trying to adjust to the daylight streaming in. I find myself fully awake when I see her dressed in only her bra and panties.

I roll over to my back and sit up slightly. This is a very good morning for me.

Ariana notices I'm awake and jumps, startled.

"I thought you were asleep," she says awkwardly, wrapping her arms around her stomach and thighs.

I rest my head against the headboard and grin.

"I'm glad you did," I say.

I get out of bed and rake my eyes down her body one more time before smirking at her. I enter the bathroom to freshen up. When I'm done, I lazily walk out and open my closet.

I rub my eyes. Damn, I'm still sleepy. I throw on a black sweater and a dark pair of jeans.

Ariana is now unfortunately fully dressed too. She's wearing light skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket.

She's staring at her reflection in the mirror of my closet.

"Ethan, can you give me my makeup bag?"

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I want to use it maybe?"

"You don't need it."

"Can you just give it to me? It's in the drawer of the dresser."

I pad over to the dresser and open the first drawer. All that's in there is her clothes.

"Which drawer?" I ask, opening the second one. My eyes light up when I see that its filled with bras and panties. Heh.

"The third one," she answers, now tying her hair.

I ignore her reply and search through the drawer feeling ridiculously happy.

"What's this?" I ask, as I find a white and small square packet.

She turns and her eyes widen.

"Ethan, noooo, no, no, no."

She quickly moves over to me and shuts the drawer, panicked.

"I said the third one," she says, her face flushing.

I stifle a laugh. "Was that the thing you use for periods?"

"I, uh... no."

I nudge her shoulder. "It's almost that time of month, isn't it?"

She glares at me.

She's on her period right now isn't she?

"Bloody hell, you look mad," I smirk.

"Nooo," she complains. "No. No period jokes, I'm serious."

"Fine, but I'll be using the phrase bloody hell a lot this week."

She blows out a breath and leaves the room as I laugh at her annoyance.

*Ariana's POV*

I sit next to Danielle in the hotel's restaurant.

"Well, you're in a mood," she says.

I frown. "I didn't even do anything yet."

"You're giving out an I'm pissed off vibe. Nathan asked about you today."

I take a huge bite of the pancake on my plate. "Nathan?"

She nods. "Nathan Davis, yeah."

"What'd he tell you?" I ask.

"Nothing much. He just came over and asked if I knew where you were. He looked like he really wanted to talk to you."

"I haven't talked to him in about a month. What could he possibly want?"

She shrugs. "Jesus, dude, just ask him what he wants when you see him or something. By the way, what happened with Ethan?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know. He's your roommate now."

"Yeah, uhm..." My mind replays what happened last night; the way we danced and sang and laughed. "Nothing. He's just pretty casual about it too."

"Ari, I'm your best friend now. You can tell me anything."

Except the fact that I have feelings for him.

"We had a random dance party last night," I almost smile. "He's... nice. Still annoying, but nice."

She laughs. "I'm trying to imagine Ethan dancing."

"No, he's hot."



She shoves my shoulder. "Lucky you."

Seconds pass by as we both eat in silence.

"I can tell you're falling for him," Danielle says casually.

"I'm not," I lie.

"I don't know if this is a good idea anymore, you know? The plan's beginning to sound stupid and you're starting to like him anyway."

I think back to why the plan was even created in the first place. I start to remember every single bad thing Ethan did to me. Every attempt he made to embarrass me. Why do I like him again? No... no, I can't like him. He's still an asshole isn't he? I mean, he probably even acts this way with every girl. The last time I thought he changed, he told everyone he and I had sex when no such thing happened. I wouldn't be surprised if he told people we had sex again last night.

"No," I say abruptly.

Danielle stares. "What?"

"I don't like him," I say. "The plan's still on."

"What? But-"

"No, no but's. No matter what, he's the reason everyone hates me and why my social life's so fucked up. We've made progress, we can't just throw it all away for nothing.

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. What's next?"

Just then, I spot Ethan sitting with Matt and Nina. He sees me looking at him from the corner of his eyes and he half smiles.

"I think we're nearly done actually," Danielle says, noticing his action. "I mean, if I didn't know any better, I'd say he's falling for you too."

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