Chapter Twenty Two

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*Ariana's POV*

Matt is trying to keep me steady as I stumble out of the door, leaving the bar.

"Woah, I think you've had one too many drinks in there," Matt says.

"This feels great!" I laugh. "I feel so free!"

Everything is blurry as I walk straight ahead. I hear a car honk and something metallic nudge my thigh. I think I almost got hit by a car.

"Ariana!" I hear Matt's voice. "Jesus Christ, are you trying to get yourself killed or something?"

"I don't know, I can't see well," I slur.

He places his arm on my waist and leads me across the street.

I climb into the passenger seat of his car. His friends are in the backseat.

"Where's the party?" I ask.

"Near here," he says.

The car begins to move and I feel myself get dizzy.

Five minutes later, Matt pulls up somewhere... I can't tell where we are, it's too dark and my vision's gone bad.

Matt helps me out of the car and we all walk into a house.

I hear loud music thumping in my brain. Everywhere around me, I see people dancing in the dim light. There's too much noise here.

"I'll be right back," Matt tells me, "stay here."

As he walks away, I stumble between the crowded room and try to find my way to the kitchen. I could really use that drink of water.

I bump into someone.

"Nathan?" I squint at the black haired guy in front of me.

"Yeah," he replies. "Wait, Ariana? What are you doing here?"

Jesus, why do people keep asking that?

"I'm here to have fun, okay?" I snap.

He stares. "Are you drunk?"

"Why would you assume that?" I question. "Is everyone from school here?"

I look around but my eyes hurt. I'm not used to this.

"Pretty much," Nathan says. "It's another weekend with another party. Matt's parents are back from their business trip so-hey, where're you going?"

"You keep talking," I complain, pressing my hands to my ears.

Too much noise, too many people.

Where's Matt? Why did he leave me here?

I continue to push through people, navigating my way through the room. I find the stairs and start to climb up, my wobbly legs threatening to collapse.

"I told you to stay downstairs," Matt says when I spot him.

When he grabs my arm, it stirs that goddamn memory of him pulling me through the crowd to stand in front of the table where Ethan embarrassed me.

I don't hear music anymore. I hear my heartbeat in my ears as it palpitates. He's doing it again, isn't he? He wants to humiliate me in front of everyone.

I jerk my arm away.

"You're such an asshole," I snap.

"What?" He questions.

"Don't act innocent, you're doing it again!"

"Doing what again? Ariana, what are you talking about?"

"You want to humiliate me in front of everyone like you did last time. That's why you brought me here, isn't it?"

"What? No, of course not, I-"

"I'm going home."

I start to walk away but I trip and bump into a brown haired boy with dark eyes.

"Ethan?" I question.

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