Chapter Forty Four

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-Ethan's POV-

Ariana stands a couple of feet away from me, hugging her arms. She looks down at her shoes, unwilling to my meet my eyes.

I know she's mad at me but I don't want her to be. I meant every single word I said about last night being different. It actually means something to me and it has to mean something to her too.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"Okay," she says flatly.

"How can I make it up to you for this?"

She turns to me, her eyes wide.

"Make up for this?" She shakes her head. "This isn't something you can just make up for. Ethan, I already said I'm done with you and I mean it."

"No, you don't," I step closer.

She doesn't. She doesn't mean it. She's just still in shock.

"You really screwed up this time," she says.

I touch the hem of her shirt -- well, my shirt that she's wearing.

"I know. If there was just any way I could make this all better, I would."

"There is. You can leave me alone and just... not talk to me anymore."

My chest was swelling with happiness when she said that first sentence but as she kept talking, I deflate. I feel like she just slapped me again.

"I can't do that," I say quietly, tugging at her shirt and moving closer. "I meant what I said earlier. Last night wasn't just sex to me. I wasn't emotionless when I did what I did with you."

Her face tenses and her breathing turns rapid.

"Don't say that," her voice is barely higher than a whisper.

"But I mean it," I insist. "I don't just randomly say things like this to any girl, Ariana."

"And how do you expect me to trust you on that one?"

"I'll do anything to prove it."

Almost losing Ariana really snapped me back to reality. Last night, the thought finally made it to my head. I like her a lot. I should be with her. Not Nathan.

"Are you fucking serious?" Nathan asks, suddenly appearing at the end of the fucking hallway.

-Ariana's POV-

Shit. Great timing, Nathan.

Ethan and I are standing barely a couple of inches away from each other. I quickly move away from him.

"What's all this?" Nathan demands.

My face flushes. "Nothing. We were just talking. Let's go."

Ethan grips my wrist.

"No, I'm not done yet," he insists.

"No, I think you are actually," Nathan snaps.

This can't be good.

Ethan lets go of my wrist, giving Nathan a look. I know that look. It's the one he gives people before he starts a fight.

"Ethan, no," I say quickly, grabbing his arm and putting more distance between him and Nathan. "Stop."

He jerks his arm away.

Nathan turns to me. "First you kiss him when you're drunk, then you wear his shirt, and now you're just standing here together-"

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