Chapter Forty Nine

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-Ariana's POV-

I'm waiting for Nathan to get the damn drinks he said he'd bring for us ten minutes ago.

After I get tired of standing there like a lonely idiot, I decide to look for him.

I come across a cluster of people cheering something that sounds like: drink, drink, drink! I try to hide my surprise as I find that they're surrounding Ethan -- who happens to be chugging down a whole bottle of beer a little too quickly. Next to him is some random guy doing the same thing. Ethan slams his now empty bottle on the table and gains a cheer from the crowd. He then laughs and grabs a cigar, lighting it.

I stare stupidly at this side of Ethan. The side of him that drinks and smokes and parties. I find it extremely hard to compare the way he's acting now to the way he acted yesterday on my birthday.

I move away from the throng before he could notice me and continue to look for Nathan. There's not a single boy with grey eyes and black hair anywhere around here.

"You made it," Matt grins, walking over to me.

"I only came here because Nathan wanted to," I tell him, crossing my arms.

He nodded. "And where's Nathan?"

"I-I don't know. I was just looking for him."

I notice he's holding a red plastic cup. He offers it to me.

"No, thanks," I say.

"Come on," he nudged my shoulder. "It's just one drink."

"I always say that to myself and end up drunk."

"Well, not tonight."

When I remain silent, he pouts.

"Please," he pushes it closer to my face.

I roll my eyes and grab it, taking a long sip. Yes, I really need to loosen up.

"I knew you'd give in to me," he smirks. "You always do eventually."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask suspiciously.

"Well," he hands me another cup. "Let's just say I always get my way with you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, nervousness settling inside me.

I ignore the just one more drink promise I made to myself literally a second ago and take the cup Matt's holding. I really need to loosen up.

"By the end of tonight you will," he notes. "Let's go get some drinks. You look a little thirsty."

I ignore his last comment and follow him to a table filled with drinks.

An hour later, I'm only drunk enough to feel less tense.

"Ethan wants to talk to you by the way," Matt says.

"About what?" I ask.

"I don't know," he shrugs. "But he's upstairs, come."

He places an arm around my waist. I'm too tired to shove him away. We both climb up the steps. Downstairs, the place is so packed that it's almost impossible to believe that it's empty up here.

"Where's Ethan?" I ask.

"Ethan's downstairs getting wasted," Matt says, walking closer to me.

I pause. "Then why am I here?"

"Good question," he smirks, running his fingers down my arm. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a sleeveless shirt tonight.

If I were a little less drunk, I'd probably be aware of my racing heart. I step away from him and gulp nervously as I find myself against the wall. Matt wastes no time at all and places both his arms at either side of me, blocking my path.

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