Chapter Twenty Four

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*Ariana's POV*

I'm awake but I don't want to be. My head is throbbing and my entire body is aching. I can't get my brain to function well enough to recall what happened last night.

When I finally open my eyes, I look around in bewilderment, wondering where I am. I recongnize the room as Ethan's and my heart leaps. What happened last night?

I look down. Okay, at least I'm fully dressed. I frown. Why am I wearing Ethan's clothes?

The door suddenly opens and Ethan walks in. I'm immediately distracted by the fact that he's shirtless.

His shoulders are firm and his rippling abs look like they've been flawlessly sculpted from marble. His build isn't too bulky nor is it too insubstantial-it's perfect. My eyes dart to the muscles on his collarbone and, for a second there, I wonder what it would be like to-

"Enjoying the view?" Ethan smirks.

Shit. How long was I staring?

I roll my eyes. "What view?"

I slip out of his bed, ignoring my stiff muscles.

"What happened last night?" I ask.

"You don't remember?" He questions.

I shake my head.

"You were with Matt." I can't help but notice a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Matt?" I frown. "Why would I be with-oh, right. I went to the bar to get a drink." For some reason, Ethan looks at me as if he's about to explode. "Like, water," I quickly add.

"Who the hell goes into a fucking bar for water?"

"I don't know, I was thirsty, okay?"

"We have an endless supply of water bottles here. But, no wait, you had to randomly run out of the house for no reason at all and get yourself wasted. Brilliant plan, Ariana, really."

I glare at him. "I wouldn't have left if you hadn't tried to kiss me, Ethan."

"What kind of person would just run away when someone tries to kiss them, that's literally so dumb."

"A person who was just pulled into a random kiss by Matt earlier that day, that's who."

"You sure didn't look like you were upset about it from what I saw."

"I tried to stop him but-Jesus, Ethan, would you just a shirt on?" I burst out.

I seriously can't argue with him when he looks like that, it's too distracting.

For a moment, he just stares blankly at me. But then he grins.

"You like this?" He gestures to his abdomen.

I blow out a breath and ignore him, going into his bathroom and locking the door.

I take one good look at the mirror and almost recoil. My dark blond hair looks like it's a nest that belongs to a family of wild birds. There are dark circles around my eyes and my face is pale.

I wash my face really well and brush my teeth with a spare toothbrush I found in one of the cabinets. I gather my hair into a messy bun on my head.

Ethan isn't in his room. I search through the pile of clothes on the floor to find mine but they're nowhere in sight.

Ethan suddenly walks in. He heads over to his dresser and opens one of the drawers. He reaches into it and holds out my bra.

"Looking for this?" He questions.

I stare. "Did you take that-"

"No," he cuts in. "You did."

My face feels hot. "Did you see my-"

"No," he replies. "I wish. But no."

He tosses it to me and relief washes over me. I don't know what I would've done if he actually saw me naked.

"Where are the rest of my clothes?" I ask.

"Good question," he says, "I'll tell you when I find them."

"Ethan," I whine, but he's already leaving the room, laughing.

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