Chapter Twenty

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*Ethan's POV*

I leave the room and head downstairs to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water and drink almost half of it before my mom interrupts me.

"I'm going to the hospital to check on your dad and Sasha," she says. "Do you need anything?"

I shrug.

"Your father told me the two of you argued," she continues. "Ethan, I really don't think it's a good idea to start a fight right now, especially considering the conditions."

"I really don't wanna talk about this right now," I say, idicating the end of the conversation.

She hesitates. "We'll talk about this later then. Luke, honey, do you wanna come with me?"

"Can't I have my friends over instead?" He questions.

"No, Ethan has an assignment to finish and, knowing you, you'd burn down the house in seconds. Come on, your dad could use some company."

Luke groans but follows my mom to the front door anyway.

I make my way upstairs to my room and open the door, trying to process what I'm looking at exactly.

Matt and Ariana. Kissing. In my room. I don't know why, but I feel my stomach burn in anger at the sight of this.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" I demand.

They both quickly pull away. Ariana's face reddens while Matt merely stares at me confusedly.

"I was just leaving anyway," Ariana says, she walks to the door but I grab her arm.

"Seriously, what the hell did I just see," I ask them.

Matt grins. "Come on, dude, it's not like I haven't made out with some girl in your room before."

"Still," I insist, "this is just-"

"Why's this such a big deal?" He questions.

"It's not," I lie, trying to act like I'm not annoyed by this at all.

"Then let go of me," Ariana says, jerking her arm away. "Can we just finish this damn assignment already?"

When the stupid assignment was finally finished, the three of us went down to the sitting room. I turn on the TV.

"I'll be going now," Ariana says.

"Come on," Matt says, "stay a little longer."

"Why?" I question. "So you can shove your tongue down our throat again?"

Matt's eyebrow creases. "You're still not over this?"

"Don't be a dick, of course I am," I shoot back.

Ariana's still standing at the door, looking as confused as ever.

I'm about to tell her something when Matt's phone vibrates on the coffee table and he checks his messages.

"I gotta go," he says, standing up.

He makes his way to the door. I get that unfamiliar burning feeling in my stomach again as he kisses a confused Ariana once again and smirks at me, leaving the house.

"Stay," I say without meaning to.

Ariana furrows her brows but silently walks over to the couch and sits down.

I'm still standing next to the TV, the remote in my hand.

"So, is he a good kisser?" I ask.

She frowns. "What?"

"Matt," I say. "Is he a good kisser?"

I don't know what possessed me to start asking her these questions but there's no stopping it.

She rolls her eyes. "No. Yes. I don't know."

I smirk. "Pretty sure I'd be better."

She sighs. "Okay."

I wall over to her. "If you wanna try-"

She stands up. "No. I'm done. I'm so done. I'll see you on Monday, Ethan."

I'm still smirking at her when I place a hand on her ass and the other on the small of her back.

"Not this again," she groans.

I press my forehead to hers.

"I know you like this," I tease.

She says nothing.

Our lips are literally less than an inch away from each other when someone opens the damn door.

Ariana quickly pushes me away and grabs her purse as my mom and Luke walk in.

My mom stares. "What-"

"We just finished the project," she says hurriedly. "I have to go. It's been nice seeing you."

She walks past my mom and Luke and through the door.

"Ethan," my mom says. "What-?"

"I'm a little tired," I say, rushing up the stairs to my bedroom.

*Ariana's POV*

At this point I really wouldn't be surprised if I get raped this year.

Tears pool in my eyes as I start to wonder why Ethan and Matt keep doing that. I don't like it.

The sky's already dark and I don't know my way around the neighborhood at night. I keep walking to who-knows-where when I finally discover that I'm lost.

I find myself in front of what looks like a bar. I know I really shouldn't go in there, but I'm thirsty and I could really use some water.

I regretfully walk into the half full room.

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