Chapter Fifty Nine

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-Ariana's POV-

It feels like Ethan just suddenly fell off the face of the Earth.

I haven't seen him ever since he left my house without calling. That was about a week ago. I've tried calling him a couple of times since then but he hasn't been answering his phone.

I finally feel worried enough to stop by his house. I ring the doorbell.

"Ariana, hello," Ethan's mom greets me, smiling widely.

"Hi, Mrs. Miller," I smile back. "I just stopped by to ask about Ethan." I attempt to peer into the house through the half open door.

"Ethan's... still sick," she says slowly. "He's inside and well..." Her voice trails away.

"Oh," I say.

"I'd invite you inside but Luke had some friends over and the entire place is a mess," she sighs.

"It's fine," I reply, trying not to sound too offended.

"Do I tell Ethan you came?" She asks.

I shake my head. "Actually, no. Don't tell him I was here."

Mrs. Miller looks like she's about to say something but stops then gives me a reassuring smile instead.

"Have a nice day, Ari," she says.

I walk down the steps, blowing out a breath. I take out my phone and promise myself that this is the last time I call to check on Ethan.

I press the screen to my ear and freeze as I hear the first ring and a simultaneous familiar ringtone. I turn to the source of the noise -- Ethan's house's open window -- and close the line. The ringtone stops. My eyebrow creases. I call Ethan again and the ringtone from inside the house resumes.

I start to feel stupid. I shove my phone back into my pocket and try to walk as fast as I can away from Ethan's house. His phone's home. He doesn't go anywhere without his phone. That means he's home too and he's trying to avoid me.

My face grows hot. Just when I thought things were going well between us...

I turn off my phone -- it's the only way I can feel more relaxed -- and head home. Maybe I can call Dylan too; to see if he wants to hang out again. Yesterday went well. I just need anything to get Ethan off my mind.

-Ethan's POV-

I check the paper with the address of Ariana's grandparents' number on it for the tenth time since I stood on their doorstep. Ari's dad gave it to me.

I'm nervous. I don't know why -- I just am. I reach into my pocket to check if I have any new texts or calls but I quickly remember that my phone's still lost. No, no -- it's not lost. It's still somewhere in the house. I don't know where but I'll find it when I get back home.

I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell, praying this goes well and that I leave this house with that necklace.

Seconds later, the door opens and a grey haired woman in her mid-sixties smiles at me.

"Hello, dear, how may I help you?" She asks.

I clear my throat nervously. "Uhm... Do you know Joseph Dales?"

She nods. "Why, yes, he happens to be my son-in-law. Do I know you?"

I can't believe I'm fucking doing this.

"I'm Ethan Miller," I say. "I know Joseph's daughter, Ariana."

Her small eyes widen. "Joseph has a daughter?"

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