Chapter Thirty Six

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*Ethan's POV*

I spend the next three days trying to teach Ariana how to ski. It's pretty hard to teach her because she's always so nervous and clumsy when it comes to sports but it's funny as hell when she trips over her own skis.

Today's our fourth day here in Snowy Land Hotel. There's an unexpected blizzard, so, due to these whether conditions, we can't ski anymore.

I get a text from Matt.

*everyone's in the lounge*

I'm really bored. I tried putting on some music to lighten up the mood but Ariana has a headache. I guess the 'dance party' we had a few nights ago was a one time thing.

"I'm going to the lounge," I tell her. "Wanna come?"

"No," she replies.

I walk over to her and grab the book she's reading.

"Come on, go do something bloody fun, Ari," I say.

"Give me my book," she demands.

"No. Everyone's downstairs in the lounge enjoying their time and you're here-"


"Seriously, get dressed, we're going to the lounge."

"But I don't want-"

"Ariana," I whine.

She glares at me. "You're impossible."

"That's why you like me," I say, putting on my jacket.

"I don't-"

"Come on let's gooo."

"Okay, okay, I'll get dressed and meet you there."

"If you're not down in five minutes I'm coming back up and I'll annoy you till you give in."

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah okay."

I flash her a grin before leaving the room, closing the door behind me. I hurry down the stairs and open the double doors to the lounge.

There are a few tables in the huge room and people are either smoking or drinking in here. Music is playing but the volume's lower than usual. It looks like a party gone dead except everyone's laughing and talking casually.

I see Nina, Matt, Kyle and Chris sitting on one of the tables in the middle of the room. I join them.

"Sup," I say, sitting next to Nina.

Matt offers me a cigarette but I wave it away at the memory of the last time I had one.

"Where's Ariana?" Matt asks.

No. No, no, no. I'm just thinking about going back upstairs and telling Ariana to stay where she is before Matt makes a move on her when she suddenly walks into the room.

"She's over there," Nina nods at her.

"Ari," Matt says, grinning at her. "Come sit with us."

I give her a look that obviously says: leave right now but she doesn't seem to get the message. She reluctantly walks over to us. I quickly scoot over so she could sit next to me.

"Those jeans make your ass look-" Matt starts to say.

"Ariana, come sit next to me," I say quickly, cutting him off.

She's blushing when she obliges. Seriously does she ever not blush? It's cute though.

"We should do something," Matt says.

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