Chapter Twenty Eight

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*Ethan's POV*

This is why I don't have a girlfriend. This is why I'm with a different girl every night.

Anger is practically bursting inside of me. I'm like an oversensitive atomic bomb. The slightest probe will have me destroying everything within reach in seconds.

It's a school night, I know. But I don't really give a shit. I'm driving to Matt's house right now. I'm in desperate need for a drink and that guy has about ten boxes of unopened beers waiting for me.

But I still don't get how this happened. I don't fucking get why I'm so annoyed by this. This kiss did mean nothing, didn't it? Okay no, maybe it meant something. Jesus Christ, my head hurts just trying to make up my mind about this.

I decide to push the thought away as I park my car and get out, walking up the steps to Matt's house. I twist the doorknob but the door's locked. So, I knock.

Matt opens the door. He looks exactly the same as he always does except there's a conspicuous bluish bruise on his cheekbone. I'm about to laugh and ask who he got into a fight with when I remember I'm the one who punched him. Shit, forgot about that.

"Would you look who it is!" Matt snaps. "Here to punch me again, Miller?"

I push past him and enter the house.

"Where are the beers?" I ask.

"My face is fucking blue because of you and you're here asking for damn beers?"

I turn to him. "You know how you sound? Gay. Where are the beers?"

Matt heads to kitchen. Instead of following, I make my way to the sitting room and collapse on the couch. He comes back with five full bottles of beer and I almost feel my mouth water at the sight of them.

"Cigarettes," I say, opening a bottle.

"Did you just come here to boss me around in my own house, Miller?" He snaps.

I fake a smile. "Dude, of course not. I'm here to drink and smoke. But I can't do that without any cigarettes, can I?"

Matt glares at me before opening a drawer and tossing me a pack of cigars.

I take a swig of my already half empty bottle of beer.

"Is your mom home?" I ask, lighting a cigar.

"No," Matt replies, doing the same.

"Your dad?"


I feel the toxic smoke feel my lungs as I take a drag of my cigarette. It feels so good to smoke again.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Matt checks his watch. "Eight."

"How many people do you think would come to a party on a school night?"

He shrugged. "A few."

"Then do your thing."

He turns to me, trying to read my expression.

"I'll do that," he says slowly, "but only if you tell me what happened."

"What happened with what?"

"Did you fuck her?"

"Yes," I lie.

"Was she good?"

"She was okay."

"You stole my slut," he sighs.

I hold in the urge to punch him again. I don't know why I just said what I did. I guess I just really don't want to talk to Matt about this sort of stuff. I can't tell him she spent the night at my house and all we did was kiss. Lame as fuck.

"Who do I invite," Matt asks, already typing out a text to broadcast.

"Everyone," I say. "Especially the sluts."

*Ariana's POV*

Every person I see walking down the street looks like a rapist to me. I hold my two bags to my chest as I keep my head down and make no eye contact with anyone whatsoever.

My head is still buzzing with the argument I just had with Ethan. I just don't get why he looked so annoyed. At first I knew it was because I'm probably the first girl to ever reject him or something. But all I said was the kiss meant nothing and it was enough to get his temper rising.

I don't know what to think. This weekend was just plain crazy. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I have to be mentally retarded to feel something for someone like Ethan.

He hurt me. He ruined my life. He made everyone hate me. He drinks. He smokes. He's a player. He's sex-crazed. Yet I can't deny the butterflies in my stomach when we were teasing each other yesterday. Those butterflies also shitted other butterflies when we kissed. See? This is why I don't like butterflies.

Just when I see Danielle's house come into view, I hear someone speak to me.

"Beautiful young girl, are you," says a man.

I turn. He's a middle-aged hobo with greasy hair and a face matted with dust. His mismatched clothes are covered in soot.

I grimace. My first intention is to run away, screaming "RAPIST", but I can't even get myself to move, let alone talk.

He gives me a crooked grin.

I finally find my voice and say, "Get away from me."

You sure showed him, Ari.

The man takes a step towards me and I find myself rushing to Danielle's front door, ringing the doorbell continuously.

If Ethan was here, he'd stop that guy wouldn't he? No. Ethan isn't here. I should stop thinking of him, he's not good for me.

Danielle opens the door and I pull her into a hug.

"You have so many rapists on this street," I sob into her shoulder.

"I know," she says confusedly. "That's why you should own a damn car, Ari."

I say nothing.

"So, what happened? How come Ethan was going to drive you? Why isn't he here?" She asks.

I take a deep breath. "It's a long story, I'll tell you when I get changed and shit."

I enter into the safety of Danielle's house. I'm going to have to relive this entire weekend then feel a stabbing pain in my chest because of the way it ended.

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