Chapter Thirty Two

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*Ethan's POV*

My heart practically jumps out of my chest. I quickly glance at Ariana and she's staring disbelievingly at the manager. Damn. I did not expect that.

I hear some girls mutter: luckyyy.

Matt wolf-whistles loudly. "Shit, man," he grins, elbowing me. "You're gonna get some pussy."

I ignore him, still in a daze.

"Wait, what?" Ariana questions.

"There's only one more available room and the amount of males and females is odd," he says. "So, you'll be rooming with Ethan Miller." He takes in her nervous expression and frowns. "How about we discuss this in private?"

Ariana and I walk over to the manager. The three of us stand near the archway in the empty hallway.

"Do either of you have any problem with this?" He asks us.

I say "no" the same time that Ariana says "yes". She shoots me a glare.

"We can always find someone else to-" he starts.

"No!" I say a little too quickly. "I mean, uh... no." I drape my arm on her shoulders and pull her closer to me. "We're good friends, we'll get along well together."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes," I say before Ariana can answer. "What room?"

"Two hundred nineteen."

"This is my side of the room," she says, "and this is yours. My stuff goes here, yours go there. Got it?"

The room is pretty much small. All it has in it is two beds separated by a night-table, a closet and a dresser pushed against the wall opposite to them, and a door on the right leading to the bathroom.

Ariana's taking the right side of the room, I'm taking the left.

"Got it," I smirk.

She rolls her eyes. It feels good to see her do that again.

"Don't smile like that," her face flushes. "We have to go over some ground rules."

"I don't do ground rules." I lie down on my bed.

"Well, you will now. This room has to stay clean," she says, opening her bag and unpacking.

"I don't have the ability to clean up after myself," I say. "And you really can't make me, so..."

"Ethan," she says, "it's really not that hard to fold your clothes or fix your bed."

"Actually, it is."

"Anyway," she goes on. "The dresser's mine, the closet's yours."


"My stuff are off limits."

"Nooo," I whine.

"Seriously, don't touch my stuff. Especially my books."

"Why? What kind of books do you have," I grin.

"Fiction, Ethan."


"Not erotic ones," she glares.

I laugh.

"I need to sleep early so I can wake up not cranky."


"And would you please put the toilet seat back down when you're done?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, okay."

"Keep your shampoos and shit on one side of the shower and I'll put mine on the other."

"You're way too organized."

"I know."

"Ari, we're only gonna be here for about five days, it doesn't have to be this complicated."

"This isn't complicated. I'm just asking for a clean room, organization, and some personal space."

"Personal space," I repeat.

"I'm a girl, Ethan, I need my privacy."

I give her a look. "What kind of privacy?"

"Like my underclothes and-"

"Your bras and panties," I correct her.

"Uhm, yeah those."

"There's really nothing I haven't seen before," I remind her.


"There doesn't need to be any privacy between us you know," I say seductively.

She blushes and she looks away quickly. I find it amusing that she's still not used to my remarks by now.

"Start unpacking," she says.

She only has a few more clothes left in her suitcase.

I walk over to mine and unzip it. I open my closet and grab a handful of clothes, tossing them inside carelessly.

"You're so neat on so many levels," she notes.

I'm done unpacking. We should go down to the lobby and join the rest of our class in about five minutes to get ready to ski.

I know that Ariana literally started blabbing about not touching her things five minutes ago but I really can't help it. I walk over to her dresser and stare at those things they call makeup.

"What's this?" I ask, holding up a black tube.

"Lipstick," she replies.

I'm surprised to see she's not telling me off for breaking the stupid 'ground rules'.

"And these?" I hold up a long rectular tube and a... circular thingy?

"Foundation and mascara."

"Do you even use those?"


I walk over to her and scan her face. It's literally spotless and natural and she still looks really beautiful.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know, Ethan, to look more presentable."

"You always look presentable."

She supresses a smile. "Thanks."

"Do you even know how to ski?" I ask her, leaning against the dresser.

"Uhm, a little."

She's just moving away from me when I slip my hands into the back pockets of her jeans and pull her to me. I grip her hips and press her body against mine. She makes no attempt to stop me.

"I can teach you," I softly say into her ear.

I feel her muscles tense.

"No, I-I'm fine," she stutters.

My hands wonder off to her inner thighs as I feel her ass against my dick. She starts to breathe heavily.

"You sure?" I question.

She says nothing. I kiss her neck.

"Come on, we'll be late," I say.

I make my way to the door and smirk at the sight of her nervousness.

"You coming?" I question, opening the door.

"Uh, yeah," she says, "yeah, I'll be right there."

I nod, leaving the room.

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