Chapter Nineteen

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*Ariana's POV*

This is the moment I've been regretting all week.

I stand at Ethan's front door, my heart racing. How the hell did I get myself into this? Why am I even doing this? I had the chance to do the assignment on my own but no, Ethan had to open his mouth and stupid came out.

It's a sunny Saturday afternoon. I could be going out somewhere with Dylan or Danielle, but instead, I'm standing here like an idiot at Ethan's front door, trying not to freak out completely.

I ring the doorbell. A few seconds pass and no one opens up. Just when I decide to take this as a cue to leave, the door opens and I see Luke.

"Hi," I smile at him.

"Uh, hey," he says awkwardly.

"Is Ethan here?" I ask him.

"Are you his girlfriend?" He questions curiously.

I stop myself from looking offended and laugh instead, shaking my head.

"Not really," I say. "We're just friends."

Luke nods then lets me in. He leads me to Ethan's room.

The door is closed and I have no intention in opening it. But I have to stop being stupid and just get this whole day over with.

I twist the doorknob and walk in. Damn, is this huge room a wreck.

The grey bedsheets are a mess and are hanging off the bed. Ethan's clothes are strewn everywhere and the dresser's drawers are open, revealing unkempt shirts and socks inside. There are several papers thrown here and there and plates and glass cups are on the desk and dresser.

I take in the sight of the room long enough for Ethan to walk out of a door inside the room-probably the bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"The assignment," I state. "We have to do it today."

"Today?" Matt says, suddenly appearing behind me.

I jump, feeling startled. The only other time I was alone with them was in that empty hallway at school when I was telling them off for spreading false rumors about me. But now that I know how unpredictable they are, the thought of being alone with them in a single room sends shivers down my spine.

"Yes, today," I say, stepping away from Matt.

"It's a Saturday," Ethan reminds me.

I roll my eyes. "No shit. It's not like you have anything better to do. Now get the laptop and the history book."

"I have an idea," Matt says. "How about you do the work and Ethan and I go play video games?"

"Sounds good," Ethan nods.

He makes his way to the door but I stop him, pressing my palm to his chest.

"You're not going anywhere," I say. "Seriously, let's just give this over with."

Ethan glances down at my hand and smirks at me. Then, he places an arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

Jesus, Ethan, not now.

I roll my eyes and push him away.

"Stop doing that," I tell him.

Within minutes, Ethan is lying on his back on the bed and Matt is sprawled on the couch. The two of them are throwing a crumpled piece of paper to each other, trying to entertain themselves.

"So, it's about civil rights," I start.

I spend the next hour practically doing the assignment on my own as Ethan and Matt keep getting distracted or attempt to make dirty jokes out of the sentences I read from the history book. It's not as bad as I'd imagined.

After an hour of working, Ethan leaves the room to go get a drink of water.

I stand up to search for my phone in the mess of clothes on the dresser. I pick up something and toss it on the floor, recoiling, as I recognize it as Ethan's boxer.

Matt laughs. "Oh come on, shouldn't you be used to those by now?"

I give him a questioning look.

"Prostitute," he explains.

"It's really getting old, you know," I say, irritated.

He stands up, walking closer to me. I tense.

"What are you looking for?" He asks.

"My phone," I answer, not looking at him.

I finally find it in one of the dresser's open drawers. I close them and slip my phone into my pocket, leaning against the dresser.

Matt stands in front of me and places his hands on either side of me, blocking my path.


How do I always find myself in situations like this?

"Matt, please move," I say wearily.

He smirks. "Do you like Ethan?"

"Of course I don't," I reply.

I don't know whether it would help to have Ethan come in here right now or not.

"Then," he runs his hand up the side of my stomach. I almost shiver.

"Don't do that," I say.

"Why not?" He teases.

I try to move away from him but he has me trapped.

Matt leans in and presses his lips to mine. His tongue moves into my mouth almost immediately. At first, I struggle to push him away but I suddenly find myself overwhelmed with excitement I didn't even know existed inside me.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" Ethan demands.

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