Chapter Sixty

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-Ariana's POV-

I lay on my bed and read my book. Not exactly what I'd prefer to be doing on a Saturday night but it's peaceful and I like that.

I'm just reading the first word of the next chapter when my phone beeps and a message appears on the lockscreen. My heart contracts as I see it's from Ethan.

*open the door*

I can't contain my excitement from finally hearing from him after a week's disappearance. I scramble out of bed and change into something a little more appropriate. A simple flowy white dress. I glance at the makeup on my dresser before I decide that I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. I untie my hair and let it fall loosely over my shoulders and head downstairs.

The last time I called Ethan was yesterday when I went to check on him. I remember the two minutes I spent listening to Ethan talk to my mother's grave as I was passing by to visit it later that afternoon. My chest swelled as I heard him talk about me and just us. But this all confuses me. If he feels that way about me, why is he trying to avoid me so badly? And now, I'm finally going to see him. I pause. Am I going to see him? I push the negative thought out of my head and open my front door. I feel myself deflate as I see that there's no one outside. Thanks, Ethan.

I'm just about to go back inside when I see what looks like tiny red papers littered at my doorstep. I frown. Wait... Are those flower petals? I pick one up and examine it. Yeah, it's a flower petal. Dozens are strewn in front of my house, forming a trail. I look around one more time before closing the door behind me and following the petals, excitement overwhelming me.

I keep walking and walking until I realize that I'm being led to the neighboring beach just beside my house. I finally reach the end of the trail.

I stand near a palm tree and on the sand of the beach. The sky is a beautiful shade of orange, yellow, and red blended into one gorgeous sunset. The greyish waves are crashing over the sandy shore nearby. A white blanket is draped over the sand, a picnic basket is on top. I bring my focus to the trail of blood-red petals that are now shaped into a big, perfect heart around me.

"Hello, beautiful," Ethan says, stepping into view. He's wearing a simple black shirt and jeans but I notice he did some effort to fix up his always messy hair. The dark circles around his eyes have disappeared. The bruise on his temple and cheekbone are a faint purplish color that isn't clearly noticeable in the darkening sky.

"What's all this?" I ask, unable to hide my smile.

"It's just something I planned for you," he grins. "See that heart?" He points at the red petals around me. I nod. "It represents mine, and you're the only thing in it."

I literally feel my own heart flutter and butteflies multiplying in my stomach as I hear the words fall out of his perfect lips. I wanted to be mad at him today but I don't think that's remotely possible.

"Today's our first date," he walks closer, "and I want it to be as memorable as possible."

I can do nothing but smile like a maniac at the sight of all this -- all the effort he put into just for our first date, just for me.

"Okay so I have a... wait, shit," he frowns. "No that's supposed to come in the end," he mutters to himself. I tilt my head. "Right! So, Ari," he says, turning to me, "I know you probably want to know what happened and why I hadn't shown up for the past week. My brother had my phone because of some shit I did a few weeks ago to embarrass him," he looks down, smiling sheepishly. Well, that makes sense. "And I was sick and tired so I stayed home all day almost every day. But the only time I went out was to look for this -- shit," he hisses, "you weren't supposed to know that yet, wait." I giggle. "Holy, fuck, where'd it go?" He rummages in his pocket for something. "It's here, nevermind. Anyway," he looks back up at me and smiles. The setting sun casts a light on his dark eyes making them glow light brown. "I wanted to tell you that..." He pauses. "Shit, what'd I want to say?" He mumbles, frowning. "Dammit!" He bursts out. "I had it all memorized I swear!" I can't help but laugh.

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