Telling him

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You were standing in you bathroom. Your hands shaking,you and your husband of a year have been trying to have a baby. That is why you are so nervous, the timer on your goes off. You grabbed the test and looked at it. It was...... POSITIVE. You started crying, but you thought how were you going to tell peter about the baby. You got up and went to grab your keys and drove to target. You walked through the mens section and baby section, then you found a shirt that said "best dad ever!" You grabbed and a few other things that you needed anyway. You got home and started to work on dinner, when you herd the door open. "Y/n i home." "Hey Pete, there is something up for you in our room." "Ok bby."  Peter ran up to your room saw the shirt on the bed and ran down the stairs "is this true y/n?" You nodded. He looked at you with so much love and joy. He picked you up and  hugged you tightly. You could tell that this was going to the dest thing to ever happen to you.

Word count 199

Sorry it is so short they will get longer

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