Just a girl who loves her books

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*peter's pov*

It was the day after christmas and i had just woken up and walked down stairs for breakfast. "Hey pete is y/n awake, yet" Wanda asked, placing pancakes on a big serving plate. "I actually do not know i have not seen her yet this morning.'' I said, grabbing the carton of iced coffee from the fridge. "Okay well i would go check on her because she is always the first one down to be the one to get the first cup of coffee in the morning."

I walked up to my girlfriend's bedroom and knocked softly on the door. I waited for a come in but it never came so I peeked my head in the room and saw the cutest sight ever. My girlfriend laid on top of her blanket her favorite music artist quietly playing from her new speaker and her newest book "a good girl's guide to murder" by Holly Jackson (a/n: this book is super good! Highly recommend it for anyone who likes reading more than just fan fiction and if you don't go touch some grass you rat.) I walked over from my place, picked up the book and a custom bookmark I had gotten for Christmas. It had photos of us on it from our one year and some of my favorite photos of us together.

I put the book on her nightstand and turned off her music and her lamp. I then picked up my phone and took a quick picture of her. She looked so cute like this I could not resist taking it. I walked back down stairs to the kitchen table. "Yeah she is still asleep she was probably up late reading because she was asleep on top of her blankets so she must have fallen asleep reading last night." I said sitting in my chair that my stack of pancakes was in front of. "Okay I figured she would be because everyone got her new books and a 500 hundred dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble from Tony so she is going to be up for awhile." Natasha said, walking to the breakfast table from down the hall.

*a few hours later brought to you by my time turner that i stole from a different universe*

"Hey pete!" y/n said to me as she ran down the stairs. "Hey, how did you sleep?" I asked her as she jumped on to the couch right next to me. "I don't even remember falling asleep for like one minute. I was 30 pages away from finishing the good girl's guide to murder and then I woke up and it was put on my nightstand with one of the custom bookmarks you got me." she said taking the remote from me and changing the channel to TLC which was playing say yes to the dress at the moment.

"Do you think we could go to Barnes and Noble please?" y/n asked to look up at me with puppy dog eyes. "How long are we going to be there for?" i asked knowing she would not know because she is very indecisive on what she wants.

"I don't know because i have a lot of books that i need to get through but i want to go look to see if i need anymore." she said, still giving me my puppy dog eyes. "I don't know because I have a project to work on and you take 5 years to decide on books." Peter said looking away from the eyes he knew he could never say no too. "Fine, I guess I will just ask michelle." she said, picking up her phone and unlocking it.

*y/n's pov*

I had just opened my newest books that I have been waiting to read for months. So I ran away to my favorite place to read my room. My room was the best place to read in my opinion. I sat on my bed and connected my new bluetooth speaker to play my favorite music artist. And I picked up my first book of the day. It was legondborn by Tracy deonn. (a/n i am currently reading this, it is super good so far i am halfway done with it).

I was done by 3 o'clock in the afternoon and started my next book which was heartstopper volume five. I finished that in an hour. I then went down to dinner at 5 and went upstairs and started to read the book icebreaker. That took me a little longer because I was really distracted.


I woke up at one thirty in the afternoon and then I finished the first installment in the good girl's guide to murder and she wanted to get the next two books. After finishing the last thirty pages of the book I got up and got ready and went to go ask Peter if he wanted to go with me to Barnes and noble.

"Pete, do you want to be Barnes and Noble with me?" I asked peter. He said no and then I texted Michelle and she said she had to work so I decided that I was not going to go because everyone in the house was busy and nobody wanted to go with me and I hate bookshopping alone. "Peter, can you give me a ride to Barnes and Noble tomorrow?" I asked Peter, looking at my instagram feed. "Yeah, I can , but I think I have a mission so I can't stay. And i know you hate book shopping alone." he said changing the channel back to what he was watching before i came downstairs.

"Okay, that's fine, I have someone who I am meeting there tomorrow." I said scrolling down my instagram feed. "Who?" Peter asked, looking at me. "Your aunt mae!" I said enthusiastically to Peter as a response from Mae came in. "my aunt. You are going book shopping with my aunt?" Peter questioned me again. "Yes.'' I said to him getting up from the couch to go get some lemonade.

"Okay see i would be upset but she loves you more then me so i guess she will have fun." he said following me into the kitchen. "No, you are her nephew." I said nonchalantly. "Also, you are such a drama king peter." I said knowing that I am also a drama queen. "Okay, well if i am the king then you are the drama queen." Peter said.

"HEY MR. STARK." Peter yelled at the top of his lungs. "Excuse me, some of us have ears here, boy." I said, kicking him in his shins. "Yes peter, why are you yelling at the top of your lungs.'' Tony asked tiredly walking into the room. "Do I have a mission tomorrow?" Peter asked. "No you do not, but the others do." Tony said, walking away. "Okay cool. y/n i can take you to Barnes and Noble tomorrow to hang out with my aunt." Peter said, getting a protein bar from the pantry. "Yay! Thank you Peter, I love you." I said, kissing his cheek and walking out of the kitchen."

*the next day*

The next day Peter drove you to Barnes and Noble and then you met up with me and got Starbucks. (if you don't like starbucks it can be any coffee shop you want.) and you spent one hundred dollars at Barnes and noble.  

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