the bet pt. 1/2

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* no one pov*

You had been dating Peter for a year and a half. Also had been living with him for 6 months. You and Peter had met in your senior year of high school. You were popular and he was not.

*your pov* 

"Hey y/n" your best friend Liz said. "So how are you liz?" you asked her. "I am so good, oh this is for you." she said handing you 50 dollars. "I can't believe actually did it, I mean he actually thinks you love him." she said laughing

*peter's pov*

I had walked through the door of mine and my girlfriend y/n's home with the ring I had just bought in my pocket. When I heard that, it shocked me. "I can't believe he thinks you actually like him" my heart sank to my stomach. I pretend to just get home. When you saw Peter walk through the door right past you without talking to you it kinda hurt you, see even though it started as a bet as it went on you actually started to fall for Peter. "Alright I would love to stay but I have to go get some school work to finish." Liz said, getting up and leaving. "Peter,'' you said, walking to the shared bedroom. "It was a bet," he said sadly. "It was," you said, ashamed. "HOW COULD YOU,I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME" he screamed. "Peter, please let me explain." "no i can't believe you said you loved me, i believed you." he got the suitcase and filled it with clothes and left. 

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