the boy from camp

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*your pov*

"Alright put on your class-a for dinner girls." you said as you told your troop being the senior patrol leader you had to tell them what to do. You had been in scouting since you were 11 and now being 17 this was your last summer camp as a camper and your last week of being a scout before you turned 18 and aged out.

You loved being a scout. It was the best that the boys in the troop treated you like equals. So this is your last chance to be with all your girls, which are now like your sisters. After a few minutes all of the girls were ready for dinner so you walked to the flag field at the camp where you were located.

After flags you washed your hands for dinner. (also if you are a scout flags are the most boring thing in the world at camp). Then out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of one the boys from one of the other troops and lucky for you were sitting right next to him. "Hey y/n what are you most excited for?" one of the new scouts josie asked you as you passed around the bowl of corn to the rest of the table. "I am really excited for archery." you told her as she took the corn and put some on her plate. "Hey, y/n can you pass me the water." one of the new scouts Isabel asked as she grabbed her cup. "Of course I can." you said as your best friend sat next to you. "Did you see that guy with the blue shirt?" she asked while she grabbed the chicken from the serving plate. "Yes, he is so cute. How old do you think he is?" you asked her as you passed her the water.

"He can't be more than 18. He still has that fresh out of high school look to him." she said as she poured you more water. " Yes, I see it's okay so I was thinking like 17 or freshly 18." you told her to take a bite of your food when you finished.

*peter's pov*

"Hey guys, are you ready for dinner?" I asked the SPL (senior patrol leader) of my troop. "Yes we are, are you ready grandpa?" he answered as we started walking to the dining hall for dinner. I mentally cringed when David called me grandpa. He had been calling me that scene. I turned 18 and aged out and became an assistant scoutmaster for the troop. "I am a year older than you." I finally responded to him as I looked over to the flag poles and I saw a pretty girl in class-a.

"Look at her kyle." I told Kyle as I twitched my head toward her. I always do that when I am trying to talk about someone because I don't like pointing to people. "Yeah she is so pretty, you think i have a chance?" Kyle asked me as he followed my gaze over to the gorgeous girl. "Absolutely not, she looks almost 17 or almost 18 years old." I told him looking at her as the color guard started lowering the flags (the color guard is the people that put up the flag and put it down). "Hey, Peter and Kyle shut it." David snapped at us.

"Sorry, David, we will shut up." I told him while Kyle turned to face the front of the line instead of looking back at me. "You better, and if it happens again i will tell the adults.'' David said as he tried to intimidate me. It did not work. The only stars that can intimidate me are Mae and the entire Avengers team.

"Can you pass me the water pete?" Kyle asked as I poured water into my cup. "Yeah sure.'' I said as I passed it to him without realizing it I used my super hearing and listened in on the pretty girl's conversation with the girl who just sat down at her table. She said I was cute, I thought to myself.

*your pov*

"Hey, y/n what are your plans for your 18th birthday in a couple weeks?" Madison asked me while pouring herself more water. "I don't know yet. I do know that we are going to khan ki for dinner." I told her to scoop my last bit of corn into my mouth. "That will be fun, are you hanging out with anyone special?" she asked, hinting about your ex boyfriend. "Oh, yeah i never told you but me and jacob broke up." you told them their faces tuned from all happy to pure shock. "Yeah, i thought it was obvious because i was not wearing the necklace he got me anymore and wearing the one my dad gave me after i got eagle scout." (Eagle is the highest rank in scouting.)

*no one's pov*

It was now the last night at camp and Peter had been waiting to talk to you all week before he went home and could never see your face again. So here the pretty girl was sitting at a shelter all by herself on her phone. So Peter did something he would never do. He walked up to her and sat down across from her, and pulled out his phone as well.

After a few moments you looked up and almost died for a moment. So you decided that you would start up a conversation. "Hey, do you have a phone charger? My phone is almost dead and is the SPL of my troop so I kinda need it charged just in case." you asked as he put his phone down to look at you.

*peter's pov*

I reached into my back and pulled out my portable charger and handed it to the girl. We ended up talking till she had to go to her next activity or merit badge. I did not really know what she was doing. So then I got up and started to walk to the kitchen to volunteer to serve dinner.

*your pov*

* two years later*

"Wait, you were a scout pete?" you asked your boyfriend of a year. "Yeah and up until I moved here I was an assistant scoutmaster." Peter responded to you while pulling the pizza out of the oven for your dinner. "No way i was a scout till i aged out right after i went to summer camp two years ago." I said while grabbing cups and plates and poured him some fruit juice.

"Wait, where did your troop go for summer camp two years ago?" Peter asked, putting pizza on each of the plates. "It was virginia scout reservation.'' I said remembering my girls and camp. "No way, my troop was there too at the same time." Peter said, bringing the plates to the table and putting them down.

"Wait, I think I have a photo from them. Let me see if I can find it." you said getting up and running to your room. After a few minutes I found it and ran back to the dining room. "Look, that's my troop in the middle." I told him pointing at the troop in the middle. "That's my troop there." Peter said, pointing to the troop on the far left.

"So, you're telling me we were at the same camp at the same time before we started dating?" you asked peter. "Yes, that is what I am saying."   

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