baby crocs

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*your pov*

"Peter, did you want new crocs?" I asked my finance as we walked around the mall. "Yeah I do need new crocs." he told me as he stopped to open the door to the croc store. We walked inside and Peter went straight to the adult section of the store. I went to the women's section to find me a pair of crocs because Peter wanted me to get a pair a while back.

I then wandered back to Peter to see what he had picked out. But on the way something caught my eye, it was a cute pair of pink baby crocs but they also had some other colors. I picked up one of them and continued walking to my finance. "Hey, Peter, what do you think of these crocs?" I asked him as he turned around and took the little baby crocs out of my hands.

"I think we should get a pair for a baby parker." he said as he walked away from what he was looking at to look at the other baby crocs options. We found out one month ago but we wanted to get through the 1st trimester before we told anyone. We also decided that we would not find out the gender of the baby. "So what color are you thinking about pete?" I asked as I was actually curious what color he wanted to get for the baby parker. "I am thinking about light blue." he says pointing to the light blue color crocs on the display. "Okay, so you want the light blue crocs for the baby?" I asked as I picked up a pair for me, Peter, and mea to match with her great niece. "Why are you getting 4 pairs of crocs?" he asked as we walked towards the check out. "One for you, me, baby and mea." I told him, as we got to the counter.

"So when does our flight leave for New York peter?" You and Peter moved to North Carolina about a year ago to UNCW for college. Sure you have been here for a year, and you had been married for not too long but you were scared for me to react."It leaves tomorrow at 12:00 pm." he said as we walked out of the croc store.

"So where to next?" Peter asked as we walked around again. I looked over my shoulder to a cinnabon then I looked back at Peter. His eyes followed mine as he also looked at the cinnabon. He sighed and then turned around and we walked to the cinnabon. You chuckled to yourself because you knew this boy would do anything for me.

"Here let me see the bag, you go in and order whatever you want and get me a cinnamon roll." as he handed me his card, as i handed him the croc store bag. I walked in and ordered mine and Peter's cinnamon rolls. I walked out of the store with too cinnamon buns and then we walked to a table and ate our cinnamon buns.

*the next day because i have no idea what to write.:)

"Baby are you ready to leave?" I asked Peter as we needed to leave in 30 minutes to make it on time to our flight. "Yes I am ready, I just have to grab my shoes." he said as he put on his shoes and grabbed our suitcase and we walked to the car.

"Flight 3667 is now boarding to New York." the flight attendant said over the intercom. We then walked on the flight and as soon as i sat down i fell asleep. After what felt like 10 minutes Peter woke me up saying that we were here.

We then got picked up by happy and mea. "Hey y/n and peter." Mea said as she got out of the car, as soon as she saw me she said something. "Omg you're pregnant." she squealed at me and hugged me. "How did you find out?" I was shocked as she found out so quickly. "One. I can see bump 2. You look very tired like you did not sleep well..." "okay we get it.'' I cut her off as I agreed with her in my head. We then got in the car and drove to her home.

We then got to the apartment and went to Peter's old bedroom till we moved to UNCW. It was about 3 o'clock so I went and took a nap before dinner.

*peter's pov*

I went to see what y/n wanted to get for dinner, so I walked into the room and saw my beautiful wife sleeping on the bed. "Hey, aunt mae you have leftover pork from the other night when we talked on the phone?" I asked my aunt Mea as I grabbed rice, carrots, onions, and soy sauce. "Yes I do, what are you going to make?" she asked as I grabbed it from the fridge. "I am going to make pork fried rice." I said as I started to peel the carrots.

After 30 minutes i y/n woke up and dinner was ready. We ate and gave mea her crocs and it was a good time. She loved the crocs. 

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