field trip

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Peter's class was going to the Avengers compound for a field trip. It was mandatory for his class, the only thing he was excited to see you. But nobody knew that you were dating to keep the secret identity. But he could not speak to you that much even though he would try to get you alone so he could talk to you more. "Alright class, get on the bus, we will be leaving in a few minutes." the teacher said. Peter had no idea what you were going to do today. On the way there Ned was talking about what Peter was going to do when they got there and saw you." What are you going to do when you see y/n?" Ned asked, pretty curious, what his response would be. "I don't know, I hope she doesn't pull something bad that will reveal my identity." They soon arrived at the place he pretty much lives at for a school field trip. His class got off the bus and walked inside there with a metal detector, and a scanner. Peter knew what they were for, they were reporters and tourists of the compound. As everyone was looking at the huge "A" Peter felt someone hug him from behind."Hi." you said hugging peter from behind. "Hello love." he said smiling. "Can I have your hoodie please?" you asked using your puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but they're going to know that it is mine." "I don't care, I want to wear cus. It smells like you and you smell good." you said and peter took off the hoodie and handed it to you. You then walked to the front of the group ready to give the tour. "Hello everyone i'm y/n stark, and i will be giving you the tour." you announced so when i call your name you are going to step up and friday is going to tell you a color that pretty much means how many floors you can go on gold is all access." you said. "Ok first is flash thompson." he walked up through the metal detector "yellow" friday said. Soon the only person left was Peter Parker. "Peter Parker." he walked through and Friday said "gold." "yeah right peter how much did you have to pay her to make it say that?" flash asked. "None flash" he just has an internship."

*skip to lunch cus i have know ideas*

It was now lunch and you had been hinting at Peter's class that you were dating. Peter, Ned,and mj were sitting at a table, when you walked up and took a seat. "Hey Pete, it is your night to pick the movie and pick what food we are having for dinner." "ok bby." "Hey man of spiders." Thor came up to tell them what they are watching tonight." "I don't know." "Hey Peter, where is the hoodie that you were wearing this morning?" flash asked."I am wearing it," you said. "Yeah right, how much did he have to pay you to have you wear it?" "not a thing." She then took Peter by the shirt and kissed him right on the lips.

The end 

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