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*your pov*

You and Peter had been dating for 5 and half years. You knew you wanted to marry him within a year of dating. But you did not know if he felt the same way as you did. "I don't know, I just really wanted to be married by now." i was telling my best friend y/b/f/n. "I don't know if he wants to marry me." I continued talking on the phone with y/b/f/n.

*Peter's pov*

I walked into my shared apartment with the love of my life y/n. She had no idea that I was home from my mission early. I was walking to our shared bedroom when I heard her talking to her best friend. "I don't know if he wants to marry me." She said to her best friend, the thing is, I had been planning the perfect proposal for her which started at Disney. y/n had always wanted to go to disney.

"Hey y/n I am home. Are you packing our flight leaves in 3 hours and it takes us 30 minutes to get to the airport?" "yeah i am ready to go." I told him to get off the bed and put on my shoes. "Hey Pete, did you notice something different about me?" she asked him hoping he would notice that she got my hair done that day.

"Yeah did you got your nails done today.'' I said because I notice every little thing this woman does. "Yeah you're right." she said it in a very giddy way, like i gave her butterflies. I grabbed her suitcase and brought it out to the car then I grabbed y/n's purse and we walked to the car together.

I opened the car door for her because she will not open the door on my watch.

*your pov*

"So Peter, do you notice anything different about me?" I asked him because I got my nails painted a very pretty almond and a light pink color. "Yeah I got your nails done." After that Peter grabbed my suitcase and brought it from the car. He then came back and grabbed my purse and then we left for the airport.

"So can you tell me where we are going?" I asked him if we were waiting at the terminal for our flight. "No, it is a surprise." he told me as it was the second time I had seen him getting to the airport. "fine .'' I said sitting in my chair pouting to myself. "Hey, turn the frown upside down, princess, we are going on vacation." he told me as he kissed my cheek. "Plane 556 your flight is now boarding." the lady at the front desk said over the intercom. "Come on, we got to get on the flight." Peter told me as he got up, grabbed our shared carry-on bag and held out his hand for me to hold. I grabbed his hand and got out of my chair. We walked on to the flight and went to our chairs and sat in them.

"Hey baby, do you want to watch a movie with me?" He asked me to hold up his headphone adapter to show me. "Sure, depending on the movie." i said to him because i did not want to watch star wars again for the millionth time. "Star wars." he said with a tiny smirk appearing on his lips.

"No, I am not watching Star Wars again. I have watched it too many times with you and you quote every single line." I told him to make him pout. "Fine, we can watch what you want to watch." he told me after 5 minutes of pouting. "Okay, then we will watch Hercules." I said because we both love that movie with all our hearts.

After watching Hercules,Hamilton, and The Lion King. The flight was finally over, and we finally landed in Paris, France. I got out of my seat, my gluteus maximus (that is a fancy word for butt). "Petey, can you hold me? I do not want to walk to the rental car." I said in a very tired voice because it was 3 am in Paris. "No baby, you need to walk because you need to carry your stuff. "Okay fine meanie.'' I said I was very tired and whiny.

*peter's pov*

We walked to the rental car to get to the disney resort on disney Pairs property. Lucky even before I started driving you were out cold in the car. We drove for a good 30 ish minutes then we got to the resort. So i went inside and checked in then i grabbed the luggage and woke up y/n and we walked in the hotel and went straight to the room.

I put y/n under the covers and I went to go shower before bed because we had a long day tomorrow.

*your pov*

I had woken up to an alarm going off so I got up and headed for the shower. After my shower I did my skin care and put my makeup on then left the bathroom. It was around 7 in the morning. "Hey you ready to go bby?" Peter asked me if I was ready to go. "Yes I am, are you?" I asked him. "Yup, come on, we have breakfast reservations at 9:30." he told me as he grabbed a pair of shoes.

We got in the car and I finally realized where we were. "Omg, we are at disney Paris." I said I was freaking out that we were actually in Paris. "So I am guessing that our reservation is at Disney?" I tried to get confirmation from him. He nodded turning into disney property, he then parked and we got out. He handed me a magic band with my favorite disney princess on it (it is your favorite disney princess).

We then walked to the restaurant. "Hi, we have a reservation.'' Peter told the hosts this. "What's the name of the reservation?" she asked him about typing away on the computer. "Oh, yeah it is under parker." he told her, letting go of my hand to grab his id. "Right this way Mr. Parker" she said as she took us to a table for 2. "Alright, your server will be with you." "Okay." we said in unison as she walked away. "So what are you going to get y/n/n?" he asked me. "I do not know yet Pete." I retorted back to him. "I think I am going to get the salty crepes." Peter told me, "Well that's funny, I am getting the sweet crepes." I told him, smiling at him.

"The server came over and asked us. "Qu'est - que ce vous pandre?" she asked us (that's what you want to order). " je voudrais le crêpes sweet." (I would like the crepes sweet). Peter said the same thing but he said salty ones.

After breakfast we went on rides all day. "Hey you ready to watch the fireworks." He asked if I did not think of anything today . I thought it was just a cute couple trip. "Yes I am Pete, I am so tired." i told him we were now in front of the castle then the fireworks started going off. Peter handed his phone to someone with huge cameras. I had no idea what was going on. "y/n we have been dating for 5 years and before you left i overheard you on the phone saying you did not think i wanted to marry you well i have been planning this for a year."

he said as he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it. "y/n i have loved you from the day we met and then we started dating and now we are here, so will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?" he asked, tears running down the booth of our faces. "Yes, a million times yes Peter."

a/n Also all the french is not from google translate it is stuff i have actually learned in my french class right now. 

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