you have what now

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*peter's pov*

My alarm went off at 7:00 am on the dot. My pregnant wife y/n woke up too. "Good morning my love." We had a very interesting situation. None of the avengers knew i had a wife who was going to have my baby. Me and y/n met in my science class my senior year and we hit it off. I never told the team but we dated all through our last year and all throughout college. And then in the last 2 years we got married and got pregnant. She is currently 9 months pregnant with our baby girl. "Pete time to get we have an appointment today and you have work." today was your last appointment till your induction date which is july 14th. Which is in 2 days. I got up and got dressed and headed out and you drove to the hospital for your appointment. "Hey I am sorry I can't come with you." "it's ok pete i know you have to work i call you after." you said getting out of the car and walking into the hospital.

*at the tower*

"Hey cap, has the kid gotten here yet?" Tony asked. "Nope not yet." "Where is that kid?" The door shut and Peter walked in. "There you are late." "Sorry there was a bunch of traffic this morning."

*Your pov*

"y/n parker" the obgyn said, calling you back. "So when is your induction date?" the obgyn asked. "It is the 14th of July."

Your appointment went very well. Everything was fine with you and baby.

*timeskip to july 14th*

You were at home and Peter was at work. When all of the sudden you get the call. "Is this y/n parker?" "This is her." you said you knew what was coming, getting off the couch and grabbing your back. "Oh perfect, we have a room for you. Are you able to come in?" "Yes, I will be able to."

*on the phone with peter*

"PETE it is time." "Wait what no no." Peter started to freak out. He was in an Avengers meeting and could not get out of it. "Guys I need to go like there is an emergency." "no peter you are required to be here." Tony said Peter did not listen and got up and ran to his car. "Peter get back here." but just as Tony said that Peter's car was long out of the driveway. "Peter get back here right now." he yelled "NO MY WIFE IS IN THE HOSPITAL ABOUT TO HAVE MY CHILD!" "WHAT" Peter hung up and ignored Tony and the rest of the team until the next day.

*timeskip till the next day.*

"Omg she is perfect pete." you said looking at the little child that was born only an hour ago. Just then Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers. "Hey Pete, she is a gorgeous girl." nat said. "This is my wife y/n." Peter said, kissing your forehead. "And this is Hazel Gracelynn Parker."

Ok so i made the baby's birthday my birthday but yeah also thank you for reading my book.  just please keep reading.  i also just want to be real that i love doing this and i know i have have had a bad timing with a time  but i now i have one so thank you so much. 

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