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*your pov*

You and Peter had been talking for 7 months now, and prom was coming up in 2 weeks. But the thing was Peter did not ask you to prom yet. "So has Peter asked you to prom yet?" your best friend asked you as you sat down at the lunch table.

"Not yet." you told her as you started to eat your sandwich and chips. "Really y'all have been talking for 7 months you think he would ask you to go with him, or just making it official." she told you as she opened a bag of carrots that she had.

"Really, I mean I met his aunt and he took me to his parents grave." you confessed to her for the first time. "Okay but that is girlfriend level stuff." she told me as Peter caught my eye. "No you could do that with the girl your talking to.'' I retorted back trying to defend myself. I am so desperate for Peter and I to be official, but he has not asked and I want him to ask because I am too scared to ask, I thought to myself.

*peter pov*

I sat down with Ned to eat my lunch and to talk about Star Wars with him. "So peter when are you asking y/n to prom?'' Ned asked me as soon as I got to the table. "I don't, I am still trying to figure out how I am going to do it." i told him as i took a bite of my delmars sandwich that i got on the way to school this morning before i picked up y/n.''

"Well i think you should do it before someone else asked her.'' Ned told him as Peter looked in your direction. "Let's hope that no one does that." he said as he continued to stare at you from across the lunch room. "Peter what if someone like flash asks her to prom.'' Ned asked to be considered for his best friend's future relationship.

"I am waiting for her to tell me how she wants someone to ask her. But i do believe that she will say yes because she has met mea and seen my parents grave.'' I told Ned for the first time. "You showed her what she knows who?'' Ned questioned me in a very shocked voice. "Yeah it was accidental, she saw me sitting at their grave and walked up to me and saw the name. '' he told ned while eating his food that mae tried to make but burnt so they got thai food.

*your pov*

"I mean if he does not i just go with someone else." i told my best friend, she looked at me like i was crazy. "Wait so you don't want to date peter anymore?" she asked me, as she looked at Peter and needed to talk. "No i do, i really do want to but he would've asked me if he wanted to take me to prom.'' I told her it sounded like I was offended that she even suggested that. "Well you saying that you will just go with someone else makes it seem like you do not want to go with him." she told you as the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. "Okay well i will talk to him when i go over after school for movie night." you told her as you got up and threw what you did not eat in the garbage can.

I walked to my next class which happened to be where I sat next to Peter. "So whose turn is it to pick the movie tonight?'' I asked him as we took our seats for the class. "I believe that it is yours. '' he told you, taking out his textbook and notebook for class from his bag.

*timeskip to after school because i am lazy*

You knocked on Peter's front door,after a few minutes his aunt opened the door. "Hey y/n how are you doing sweetie?" she asked you as she let you inside her humble abode. "Peter just ran to Delmars. He should be back in a few minutes, but I have to go to work. Pizza is on its way. Money is on the counter. I will see you later." she told me as she grabbed her purse and walked out the door.

A few minutes later I heard a bang from Peter's bedroom. Me being 17 and female I was scared until a few minutes later Peter walked out of his room in a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. "Hey when did you get here?'' I asked him as he saw me. "Oh just a few minutes ago I came in through the fire escape. He answered my question."Oh, did you get the snacks your aunt told me you were getting?'' I asked not to see a bag full of snacks. "Yeah there in my room i will go get them.

As soon as he left the room there was a knock on the door. I got up from the couch and went to the door and I opened it. "Hey, how are you?" he asked as I grabbed the pizza from his hands. "I am good thank you." I told him as Peter walked back in the room,and grabbed the money from the counter.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked Peter to grab the cash left for us. "That will be 11.50 for the large cheese pizza you ordered." he told me as i counted 13 dollars out of the 20 mea left us. I handed the money to him."Keep the change." I told him as he reached to give me change he then walked away and shut the door and walked back to the couch with Peter.

"Okay, what movie are we watching?'' I asked him as he pulled up the movie on disney plus. "We are watching whatever you want. '' he told me while handing the remote. "Okay we are watching tangled i said because it is my favorite movie ever." you told him as you played it. Just as the movie started mj sent you a tiktok. You opened the tik tok and it was a girl recording her best friend's promposal where a group of people handed her white roses and at the bottom was the guy with a sign saying "will you go to prom with me as my girlfriend?" you showed it to peter and told him if someone was to ask you to prom this is the way to do it hinting that you wanted him to ask you.

You then turned off your phone and turned your attention to the movie. Peter then got up and went into his room to grab a blanket. In his room he sent a group text to your friends saying to bring white roses to school at y/n's locker. He then walked back into the room with his softest blanket he had.

*the next day*

You fell asleep at Peter's house last night,so you borrowed clothes from his aunt Mea. It was just a white tank top and a skirt. You also decided that you were cold so you stole one of Peter's hoodies. When you walked out of peter's bathroom you grabbed my backpack from by the door and peter grabbed his bag. When you walked to school Peter disappeared from your sight.

From the corner of your eye you saw all your friends with white roses. Your best friend was at the end with a sign that said it was for you. As you walked each one one of your friends gave you a white rose then as you got to your locker peter had a sign that said "be my girlfriend at prom?" you walked up to peter and nodded and hugged him. You guys had a wonderful time.

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