The waiter

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*your pov*

It was Friday which meant you and your dad were to go out to eat at this restaurant. You have been doing this for 3 years since you were in 8th grade. It was the end of the day, as you walked out of your last class someone passed you. He bumped into you, you were about to yell at them until he dropped to the floor and grabbed your books that he made you dropped. You then got a look of his face. It was the one and only Peter Parker. You had liked Peter since 8th grade.

But you would rather die than admit that to him because he probably likes someone else who works with Tony with him. After taking your books back you ran to your locker hiding your blush that had crept on your face. You put your books into your locker and then grabbed your backpack and ran out of the school. You had about an hour before you had to meet your dad so you went home to hang out with your little sister.

An hour later you had left and you had just gotten to the restaurant when your dad called. "Hey sweetie, I figured you have gotten to the restaurant but I am not. I am 5 minutes away. I had to stop to get Auntie Nat because she invited herself to see you." your dad said. "Okay that's fine! Also do we have a reservation?" you asked. "Yes, we do it is under my name but wait till I get there." your dad said. "Okay, cool, I will wait." you said walking in and sitting in the window.

Five minutes later your dad and Auntie Natasha walked in. Nat took a seat next to you and your dad went to check in. "Come on guys." your dad said, waving his hand to grab your attention. You sat down in a booth by the window. "Your waiter will be with you in a moment." the hostess said, putting down silverware on the table.

"Hello, everyone my name is Peter and I will be taking care of you today." the boy named Peter said, putting coasters down. He sounded very familiar but from where? He looked up and then you saw his face. It was Peter from school aka the one you have the biggest fattest crush on. "Oh! Hey y/n." Peter said.

"Hey peter." you said with a shy voice. Once you said hi you looked back down at your menu to see what you wanted except you already knew what you wanted. Suddenly your dad and nat both looked over to Peter and stopped talking for a solid minute. "Anyways, what can I get you guys to drink?" Peter asked after an awkward moment of silence. "Let me guess y/n you want a DR. Pepper?" Peter asked with a smirk. "Yeah, how did you know?" you asked flummoxed. "I see you with one every day in the cafeteria when you sit with michelle." Peter said, writing that down. "And for you Clint?" Peter asked accidentally slipping that he knew your dad. "Peter, you know what we both want." Nat said butting in. "I got two glasses of wine." Peter said, walking away. "So how do you know peter?" you asked your dad and Auntie Nat looking between the two of them.

"He is Tony's intern, how do you know Peter? You seemed to be very happy when he asked about a dr.pepper," Nat said. "Shut up he is just an acquaintance from school. Also sush he is coming back over here." you said looking down.

"Okay, here are those wines and the Dr.pepper for you. Now do we know what you want or do we need a minute?" Peter asked, taking his notepad out. "Yeah Peter, I am going to get the 5 cheese ziti." your dad. "I am going to also get the 5 cheese ziti." Nat said, handing Peter her menu.

"Alright! And for you y/n?" Peter asked. "Yeah, I am going to make the chicken alfredo." you said, handing him your menu. "Good choice! Have you had it before?" he asked. "No I have not. Is it good?" you asked. "It is my favorite. It is also our most popular among our staff." Peter said before turning it around and walking away.

"Okay, why is he so much nicer to you then us?" nat asked. "Probably because your scary. You said laughing. "I am not scared!" Nat said, laughing as well. "Yes! You are," you pointed to her. "Peter came here for a minute." you called over to him when you saw him walking back from the kitchen. "Yes, what can I help you with?" he said, getting to the table. "Is nat scary?" you asked him cocking your eyebrows. "Yeah!" he said shyly and then walked away. "See I told you even Peter thinks you're scary." you said to her while taking a sip of your drink.

"Clint, you don't think I am scary do you?" nat asked one eyebrow up. "No! You not at all." your dad said but not very believably. "Even my dad thinks you're scary." you said. "I am really not that scary, but anyway, how was school today?" Nat asked.

"Oh! Yeah it was okay. Flash was being a dick to everyone as usual." you said. "God i can't not believe you were going out with that guy." your dad said he was the worst. He was mean to me." your dad said. "The funny thing is he makes being a superhero fan his entire personality." you laughed. "Who does that?" Peter asked putting yours and Nat's food down first then your dad's. "Flash." you said getting your fork down for your pasta. "Oh! Yeah it is pretty funny because anyone could be spiderman." he winked to your dad but you saw it.

"Dad got something to say to you spiderman?" you jokingly asked him. "Yeah,nope I am just the avengers coolest bow man." your dad said, winking back at peter. At the moment it hit you Peter was spiderman. It was so obvious he knew nat and your dad and looked incredibly comfortable with them like he's known them for a while. You thought I was not going to say something to him. I want to keep his secret. "So how is everything?" Peter asked. "Very good!" you said "taking a sip of Dr. pepper.

After eating your dad paid and you left you came back in under the excuse that you had to urinate. You did something very bold. You left your number written on a napkin that said "call me." Then you went back out and went to the car hoping Peter would call you.   

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