New years eve kiss

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*peter's pov*

I was doing my homework in Stark tower when mr. stark came in. "Kid, you're going to a date for my party next week." "What, why?" "because everyone has but you so find one."

*the next day*

*your pov* 

*peter's pov*

"Do you want to come to the Avengers New Year's Eve party? The love of my life and best friend asked. "Yeah, but I have to ask my mom." "Also, you're probably going to be considered as my date." "Whatever, that's like a daily accorents for us."

*new years eve*

You knocked on the door of the avengers tower. You thought Peter would open the door, you were wrong it was the one, the only Tony Stark. "Hello, who's date are you?" Just as you were about to answer, Peter ran by and pulled you inside of the tower. Peter and you walked to the living room. "Everyone this is y/n" Peter announced to nat, wanda, steve, tony, sam, bucky, carol, shuri, tachall. "Petey, you got yourself a girlfriend," Sam said. "Actually she is my best friend." "Where is the restroom at?" "down the hall to the left," Wanda said.

It was 10 minutes till midnight and all night Peter was planning to take you up to the roof. "Hey y/n come with me" Peter asked you. "Ok,pete" Peter took you to the roof. "It is better up here to see the fireworks." Peter told you.








Before you knew what you were doing you got up on your tip toes and kissed peter.


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