simping for each other

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*your pov*

You sit in the hair salon after getting your hair lightened/ darken(whichever you prefer). You were about to go on a trip with your family and wanted to get your hair done. It was subtle but still a little bit noticeable so you were hoping that your best friend Peter would notice.

No one knew you were getting it changed so it was a surprise. "So do you like it?" the hairdresser asked as she took the robe that hairdresser's put around you (i don't know what it called). "Yeah, I really like it, it looks really good." you told her as you got up out of the chair. And walked to the cash register. You pulled out your dad's credit card and gave it to the lady and you paid for your hair then you walked back to the tower.

You then called your dad, and told him that you were on the way home but you were going to visit mj at work. "Hey, do you like it?" you asked as you went up and ordered a coffee for you and one for peter because you are a good friend.

"Peter, I brought you a coffee. Do you want it now or later?" you asked him as you barged it into his room without knocking. This is something that you usually did to each other. But this time he was shirtless. "eww why are you shirtless." you asked peter even though inside you were simping. "Because I just worked out for the day, then I showered because I am a gross person," he told her as he grabbed a tee-shirt and put it over his head.

You are peacefully sleeping in your bed when someone barges into your room and then jumps on to your bed and just lays there. You knew it was Peter because he always did that to you.

*peter's pov*

I ran to y/n's room to wake her up because we are going to the beach today. So I did my routine, where I jumped on her bed then laid down. I then turned to my side to face her. She looked so peaceful, and pretty.

She looked so pretty without makeup, I always thought she looked better without makeup but if she wants to wear it I can't tell her she can't. After laying down for a few minutes. "y/n/n got to wake up in time to get ready for the beach." I told her as I shook her roughly. "No go away pete." she mumbled as she went under her blankets. "No, because I will not be the only teenager at the beach with a bunch of middle aged superheroes." he said as he pulled you blankets off your bed. y/n finally opened her y/c eyes and looked at me. I think I almost died inside when she looked at me.

*your pov*

I opened my eyes and looked at Peter, his head messy or it was his bed head because it was still really early. "But you need to get out so I can change." you snapped at him. You were always grumpy when you woke up in the morning. "Okay, miss grumpy pants." he said as he walked to the door. A few minutes later you walked out in a pair of jean shorts and a random tank top. I then walked outside and then I walked to the car. Peter followed me a few feet behind because he knows not to talk to me before I have had coffee. After everyone was in the car we finally started driving. "Do y'all want to stop somewhere?" Tony asked fifteen minutes into the drive. "Yes, starbucks." I screamed as I put my head back on Peter's shoulder which we did if one of us wanted to sleep in the car.

"Okay we will get you your coffee y/n we know you need it." Tony said as got on to the exit to the nearest Starbucks so you would not be a grumpy person the entire way to the beach. "Hi, can i get your favorite drink from starbucks, and a hot chocolate and a black coffee." Tony said into the mic. After waiting for a little bit you were finally happy. You decided to do your makeup in the car. And Peter watched you.

*peter's pov*

y/n was doing her makeup in the car and i was watching her put the highlighter in the corner of her eye. She looked so focused and when she was doing it and when she focused her nose scrunched and it was the cutest thing in the entire world.

"You know you look really cute when you're focused." he blurted out to you. You looked over to him, "thank you, you do to pete." you said.

Another time when you were caught simping was when you had your senior prom. Peter was your ride but not your date. You had agreed to go with this guy named Tobias in your science class. He was a little weird but he was a nice guy.

*peter's pov*

You walked out in your favorite color prom dress. Peter told me I looked pretty as I got in the car. Tobias and I agreed to meet at school because his mom was going to drop him off. Then when we got to the gym you went to go talk to tobias. Peter sat down with Ned and watched you. He wanted to go with you but Tobias asked you first but he chickened out and when he found out you got asked he never brought it up again.

"Stop looking at her, it's creepy." mj blurted to Peter as she sat down to get food. "It's not creepy, right?" Peter asked his best friend what mj said. "It kinda is pete." Ned said to his best friend as he got up and walked away to get something to drink.

*your pov*

"Why do you keep looking over at peter?" He asked when the night was almost over."He has just been off lately so I am trying to see if it is because of a girl." I lied . I just wanted to be with him instead of tobias. "Yeah sure." he told you. After a few minutes you were sitting when Peter came up to you. "Hey y/n do I still need to drive you home or is your date taking you home?" Peter asked you as he walked up to you. "Oh, yeah I still need a ride, why are you leaving?" you asked, standing up and throwing away the food you were eating.

Tobias left 10 minutes ago because his mother has him on a strict schedule. Another time Peter simped over you was on your wedding night. It was 5 years after the night with tobias and on the way home you started dating. So it was about time you got married.

It was time for you to walk down the aisle. Your dad knocked on the door of the suite and walked down the aisle.

*peter's pov*

I looked towards the door of the chapel that I was in waiting for my future wife to come down that walkway. She started to walk down the aisle and I have never been happier in my life. My life was wonderful, and i gotta do it with the girl of my dreams.

a/n: hey besties i really dont know if i like this one but oh well. have an amazing day/ week. and i will see y'all next Saturday

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