improv club

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*your pov*

"y/n are you staying after for the club meeting?" your theater teacher asked. "Yeah I just got to tell my dad," you said as you walked to your English class. "Perfect, I will hopefully see you there!" he said excitedly.

"Yeah, can't wait." you said walking to the nearest bathroom to text your dad, because you did not want to get your phone taken away from you. The text said: "Hey, dad, I am staying after school for an improv club meeting."

*peter's pov*

"Hey pete i know you're not in any of my classes but i think you could excel in the improv club you wanna try it out? Ned is doing it." the theater teacher asked peter. "Maybe I will." Peter said walking away he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

He walked into a dark corner and reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his phone and looked at it. It was a text from Tony. "Hey kid, go to that improv club, then ask to walk her home and say you are my intern and need to come over." Tony's text said.

"Looks like I am going to do the improv club," Peter thought to himself and shoved his phone into his pocket and walked to his second period.

"Okay now I have to tell myself that I am going to be home extra late." Peter said, walking to his classroom. "Peter, did you decide what you were doing this afternoon?" Ned asked quietly, Well, they were doing their class work.

"Yeah I am going to go. I have top secret spidey stuff." Peter whispered. "Nice pete, so you are going to become an improved club member?" Ned asked Peter. "Yes I am! I have to make sure y/n is safe mr. stark's orders." Peter responded.

*tony's pov*

Tony was working in his office when his phone buzzed. "Hey dad! I am staying after to improve the club." Friday read out loud. "Send back "okay" friday." Tony said to the ai.

He stopped working and pulled out his phone and texted the kid that he needed to stay with y/n at the club meeting. "Alright that's done now to enjoy the rest of my day..." tony said but suddenly he was cut off by nat walking in. "hey thor set the kitchen on fire and we had to put it out so we need a new kitchen." Nat said, running back upstairs.

"God one day, one fucking day of silence that is all i need." Tony muttered before walking out of the lab with his phone already calling a contractor ( I don't know if that is who you would call but just go with it).

*your pov*

It was finally the end of the day so you marched your booty straight to the theater classroom. You walked in and looked around to see who was there. It was Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Caitlyn O'hara, Addison white, Flash thompson. "Flash what are you doing here yesterday you said that if you did theater you were gay," you said taking a seat next to your best friend bff/n. "Yeah, well my dad wont let me pay for college if i did not do a club so this one sounded like the easiest one to do." flash said.

"Okay, so you're doing it for your own benefit, cool," you said, looking over at the people. A Lot of them were in your class. Then your eyes stopped on a certain brunette boy with the softest looking curls. "Peter, what are you doing here? Don't you have like a million extra curricular activities," you asked shocked he was even here.

"Yeah, it sounded super fun, so I decided to join the club." Peter responded.

"Nice you're doing it for fun not to please your dad." you laughed before immediately stopping. "I can't do anything for my dad because he is dead." Peter laughed again. "PETER WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" Ned yelled at peter. You then started to laugh.

*peter's pov*

Everyone started laughing with me, even the teacher laughed. "Shit, Natasha would kill me if she heard me say that," he whispered, but only Ned and Michelle could hear.

*nats pov*

I feel like someone said something I would hate if I heard it. Nat thought.

*your pov*

"Alright, have a good day, see you next week." the theater teacher said, opening the door. "Hey y/n are you going to the tower?" Peter asked as you started walking home. "Yeah I am why?" you asked, playing with your hands nervously.

"Can I walk with you? I am going over today because of my internship." Peter said just as nervously. "Oh! Yeah sure." you said. "Great!" Peter said, walking next to you. "So what do you do at your internship with my dad?" you asked.

"I just help in the lab with mr. banner's lab,"Peter said as you turned the corner. "You know my dad speaks very highly of you pete." you said. Peter turned his head but you could still see the pink flood on his cheeks.

"No seriously everyone in the tower speaks very highly of you. It is going to seriously help out for college pete." you said as the walk sign came up on the monitor.

You crossed the street and stopped in front of delmars. "Hold on, I want a sandwich." you said going to open the door before someone grabbed it. "Cool, I am going to get one too." Peter said, walking in behind you and going over to the counter and ordering his usual. "You like pickles." You said disgustedly that someone actually likes pickles. "Yes, you don't?" Peter asked, shocked. "Yeah i don't because i am not weird like you." you said as the two you walked out of the store and sat on a brick wall to eat when you were done you walked to the tower and then you both went your separate ways knowing the improve was going to be good for the both of you.

this was totally not because i joined a improv club      

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